Posted inWellbeing

10 simple exercises to try at home

Try these easy Doha exercises and change your body for free

10 simple exercises to try at home
10 simple exercises to try at home

What: Planks tap
Why: Strengthen core muscle groups.
How: From a lying face-down position, lift your body so you are supported by your forearms bent at the elbow (fists clenched and pointing forwards). Look downwards to the floor between your hands and keep your body in a straight line from shoulders to ankles. Maintaining an even distribution of weight, lightly tap right hand to your left shoulder before returning forearm to ground position. Tap left hand to right shoulder and repeat for the duration of the plank. Aim for five taps on each side in 60 seconds.

What: Spider lunge
Why: Works upper body, arms, shoulders, groin and thigh muscles.
How: Start in press-up position with hands directly under shoulders. Bend your right knee and move leg around until you can place your foot flat next to your right hand. Maintain the position for a second and then return back to rest in the original position again. Repeat with left leg to left hand and continue to alternate feet for 60 seconds.

What: Walkout
Why: Works arms, chest, core and thighs.
How: Stand upright with your legs shoulder width apart. Bend at the waist and put the palms of your hands flat on the floor in front of each foot. Move your arms along until you are in a raised push-up position and pause. Then move them back again until you are standing with hands in front of feet. Stand upright and raise arms above head before repeating for 60 seconds.

What: Traditional sit-up
Why: Works abs and core muscles.
How: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. With your fingertips gently touching your temples and elbows pointed out to the side, tighten your abs and slowly lift your shoulders off the floor and move your chest towards your knees. Raise yourself to a complete sitting position and slowly move back down. Repeat for 60 seconds.

What: Squat jump
Why: Works glutes, back and leg muscles.
How: Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms loose by your sides before dropping into a squat position. You should feel your behind touch your ankle and your arms should raise in front of you as you move down. Explosively leap upwards, swinging your arms behind you, before landing into the starting position. See how many you can repeat in 60 seconds.

What: Single leg dead lift
Why: Works leg muscles and core.
How: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, arms by your sides. Lift your left leg behind you while bending forwards at the waist. Maintain balance on your right leg until your body is a straight line from ankles to shoulder and parallel with the floor. Hold for a few seconds and then straighten to standing position. Repeat, alternating legs, for 60 seconds.

What: Y Squat
Why: Works quads, hamstrings and glutes.
How: Stand upright with feet slightly wider than shoulder distance apart and arms raised above head to make a Y shape. Slowly lower body down at your hips and squat as far down as you can before your back starts to curve. Maintain the position for a few seconds before pushing back to starting position. Repeat for 60 seconds.

What: Glute bridge
Why: Works glutes, core and neck.
How: Lie on your back looking upwards with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Contract abs and raise bottom and hips off the floor while thrusting groin upwards while keeping palms flat on the floor. With your body a straight line from knee to shoulder, hold the position firm before slowly lowering back down to the floor. Aim to do 10 repetitions in 60 seconds.

What: Side lunges
Why: Works core muscles and thighs.
How: Stand upright with feet shoulder distance apart. Keeping your right foot firmly planted on the ground, step out to your left, bending your leg at that knee. Your knee and toe should be in line, right leg straight and you should be dipped as low as flexibility allows. Return to standing position and do the same with the opposite leg. Repeat for 60 seconds.

10 simple exercises to try at home
10 simple exercises to try at home
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