Posted inWellbeing

DIY face mask recipe

Slap on this yoghurt, avocado and honey combo to moisturise your skin

Get the ingredients
Pop to the shop and grab the following: one avocado, some organic honey and plain yoghurt (the higher the fat the better). The mask only uses half of the avocado and one tablespoon each of honey and yoghurt.

Mix it up
Firstly mash up half of the avocado flesh before adding the yoghurt and the honey. Mix until smooth, but don’t worry if there are a few lumps here and there.

Avo-go at applying
On your clean and dry face, spread a healthy layer of the mix over your skin. Keep this on for ten-15 minutes, and no longer.

Get rid of the green
Now it’s time to remove the mask. Take a warm, damp towel and wipe away the mask before rinsing your face with cold water. Once dry, apply your usual moisturiser.

Why try this mix?
Well, for a few reasons. Firstly our little green friend is full of omega-3 fatty acids. They are great for moisturising the skin without clogging pores. It also contains vitamin C, a natural skin brightener. There is lactic acid in many dairy products, which acts as a gentle exfoliator. And the honey isn’t just sweet; it’s great for skin hydration, too.