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How to recycle in Abu Dhabi

Three ways to get rid of your rubbish and be environmentally friendly

It’s easy to harm the environment with our actions, in fact we do it every day.

Those plastic shopping bags we use for our groceries and the coffee cups we throw away after one use aren’t doing any good in the long-run.

Could you be doing more to help the planet? The answer is yes. 

You don’t need to dramatically change your life either, in fact, with some small changes you can make a difference and feel good doing it.

So if you’re inspired to recycle, then here are the top places to ditch your waste and reduce your impact on the environment. 

This waste management and city cleaning service will come and pick up your recycling from your front door. Whether it is plastic, paper, metal, cardboard or glass, they will ensure it is recycled properly. (04 449 7500).

Abu Dhabi’s first recycling station was set up near Khalidiyah Park about a year ago, and now there are several points across the city where you can recycle wood, cardboard, mobile phones, used batteries, plastic, wool, metal, cotton and glass. The colourful bins are run by the centre of waste management in Abu Dhabi, and anyone is welcome to go along and use them.
You can find out more by visiting

Not only do they wash, press and return all your dirty laundry quicker than you can say “Febreeze”, Washmen will also pick up all of your unwanted paper and plastic and recycle it on your behalf for an additional Dhs1.