Posted inWellbeing

You can now become at yoga teacher at YogaOne Abu Dhabi

The teacher training programme is starting in August

We know that Yoga is extremely popular here in Abu Dhabi, and now there’s an opportunity for keen yogis to take their practice up to the next level.

Wellness studio YogaOne is putting on a 200-hour yoga teacher training programme which is designed to educate and inspire the next generation of yoga leaders.

As well as yoga skills, the classes will also focus on personal development, confidence, speech and anatomical knowledge of yoga alignment.

Put together by the studio’s internationally trained teachers, the sessions will turn you into a confident, knowledgeable, articulate, and empowered yoga teacher.

The first module runs from August 30 to September 7, and the second runs from November 29 to December 7.

The whole programme costs Dhs12,600 per person, and a non-refundable deposit of Dhs2,000 is due when you sign up.

Anyone who makes the full tuition payment by June 20 will get an extra month of unlimited yoga classes in July and August, while there’s also the option of paying the full amount in two instalments.

If you think this might be the year you come become a fully-fledged yoga teacher, you can find out more at
Dhs12,600. Aug 30-Sep 7 & Nov 29-Dec 7. YogaOne Abu Dhabi, Mangrove One compound, Khalifa Park area,