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Drug trafficker gets life

Abu Dhabi court issues first life sentence to a woman…

An expectant mother on Tuesday became the first woman in Abu Dhabi to be sentenced to life in prison, according to a report in the National.

FA, a Palestinian, will give birth to her child in prison after being found guilty of trafficking Valium pills worth AED300,000, the paper reports.

She escaped a death sentence after the three judges did not vote unanimously on the penalty, which they are required to do under federal law.

She was also fined Dhs50,000.

According to the report, FA was caught in an undercover police operation on February 10, when she gave officers the Valium tablets in exchange for AED300,000.

She claimed in court she did not know what the tablets were and that she was acting on the instructions of her employer, SA.

He was convicted and sentenced to life in prison in absence, and has 15 days to appeal.