Posted inThe Knowledge

Mum’s the word

Although the city can seem a bit intimidating when you first arrive here and there’s a temptation to just sit around your apartment swimming pool all day, we guarantee you’ll soon get bored

Posted inThe Knowledge

Learn the lingo

It’s impressive that you’re so keen to get on board with the lingo as most expats don’t get beyond ‘Insha’Allah’ or ‘yalla’

Posted inThe Knowledge

Tipping tips

Tipping can be a bit of a minefield, and because Abu Dhabi’s residents hail from all over the world their expectations of what is appropriate vary massively

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Maid to order

With the lengthy hours most of us work in Abu Dhabi, it’s no wonder people who’ll look after the kids, cook and tidy up are sought-after professionals

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Tents situation

The desert is so large, that as long as you’re not on anyone’s land and are away from major settlements, it’s fine to head out there and pitch your tent