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Get mobile

Your guide to getting from place to place in Abu Dhabi, where each street has many names and roadworks are mandatory

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UAE maid guide

Having someone to do your home chores for very little money might be part of the expat dream for some, but there are potential pitfalls to be aware of

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ADWEA, TV and more

So you’re new in town, you have your digs and you need to get set up with the comforts of modern life. Here’s how to get started

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Credit crunch UAE

What affect has the credit crunch had on the Abu Dhabi property market? Amanda Hill of Al Jar Properties shares the insider info

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Abu Dhabi property news

Although property prices are creeping down, this really means they’re only just out of the clouds – but it’s worth a look, if only to avoid the woes of renting

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You and the UAE law

What’s perfectly acceptable in some countries is illegal in others. Don’t let ignorance of UAE laws land you behind bars

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Around the UAE

From Sharjah art galleries to the sky-hogging towers of Dubai, if you fancy a short break there’s plenty of choice

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Abu Dhabi guide

World-renowned sporting events, prestigious museums and underground travel pods; Abu Dhabi’s future looks bright

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Abu Dhabi history

Now a city of global prominence, Abu Dhabi was once a humble fishing village belonging to the Sir Bani Yas tribe

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Where am I?

Setting up is hard to do. Before you get started, you need to understand where you’ve landed