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Art networking in Abu Dhabi

We learn how to mingle during gallery exhibition season

With Abu Dhabi Art Fair, the city’s top arty highlight, on the horizon (November 7-12) the TOAD team investigates gallery dos and don’ts.

So whether you’re a seasoned exhibition pro or a gallery novice, we ask the questions so you dont have to. Our expert, assistant manager Laurel Munshower from The Ara Gallery in Dubai, talks to us about gallery etiquette – from asking the artist the right questions about his work to conducting yourself with decorum at a gallery opening, we have it covered.

Is it easy to meet the artist at an exhibition?
Most artists are more than happy to speak with guests who are attending and are so thankful for the support. If the artist is taking part in a general chat with a group of people and you feel comfortable adding your input, then jump in. However, if you’re feeling shy, you can always approach one of the gallery representatives to initiate an introduction.

What’s the best way to impress an artist in conversation?
It’s great to come across a guest who is not only familiar with the artist’s work, but has been following his or her career from the start and is knowledgeable about their artistic roots and growth. If you’ve genuinely been captivated by the work, have taken in the collection and have considered what it means to you, share your thoughts with the artist – you may find yourself privy to enlightening details about the piece not shared with the casual observer.

How can you comment on their work without offending?
Many artists are quite open to hearing feedback about their work, which may help to progress and refine their future work. If you’d prefer to avoid any potential offence, stick with general compliments and congratulations and leave the critical commentary for the art critics and reviewers.

Is it possible to negotiate prices with an artist?
The policies for price negotiation vary from artist to artist and gallery to gallery. But if there’s a piece you really want that’s causing your bank account to grumble, it can’t hurt to approach the gallery or representative who is selling the artwork to see if they are open to negotiations.

How should people approach networking at galleries?
Given the likely shared interest in art, striking up a conversation about the exhibition you’re viewing is a really easy and appropriate way to start to network. Have plenty of business cards ready to go – these evenings are generally a great way to make new connections.

How should you dress for an exhibition launch?
Aside from obviously being respectful of the culture in which we live, I think just about anyone involved in the arts can appreciate a gallery visitor dressed in a way that represents their individuality. Every gallery has its own personality – you may find a terribly chic crowd, or one that’s more on the fringe or experimental end of things.

Are exhibition launches an appropriate place for budding artists to introduce themselves to gallery representatives?
Of course. Making contact through a brief introduction with a gallery representative, along with a follow-up email, is a useful way to get your name out there. But remember that an exhibition launch is a celebration to honour the exhibiting artist, not an open casting call for others.

Is it rude for people to turn up for five minutes, eat all the canapés and leave?
Who can resist the call of canapés? Honestly, I think it’s better to drop in to an opening for five minutes for any reason than not to come at all. After sampling the canapés, you may discover a new favourite artist or gallery. I haven’t noticed that is much of an issue here. The region is full of really dedicated art lovers who, if anything, aren’t yet ready to leave at closing time.
Practise your gallery etiquette at Crossroads #8 – Tomorrow Will Love Life by Palestinian artist Dena Matar.September 17-November 28. Yas Viceroy Abu Dhabi (02 656 0600).