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Art without borders

Cultural event taking place at Manarat Al Saadiyat

A cultural event taking place at Manarat Al Saadiyat will bring together all forms of artistic expression in what is hoped will be a dynamic and engaging way. Words Sara Taher.

Abu Dhabi is proving to be the prefect place for governmental and grassroots initiatives which enhance our art and culture experiences. Lending their support are the Tourism and Cultural Authority-Abu Dhabi (TCA-AD), with multi-faceted events such as the forthcoming Artscape. Taking place on June 4 from 6pm-10pm, the programme will bring together cultural organisations, activities, performances and workshops. We spoke to Tairone Bastien from the Public Engagement, Arts Department, Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority, about the upcoming event.

‘The event is really aimed at the entire family, there will be a rich mix of attractions that are meant to engage all age groups,’ Tairone tells us. Entitled Cultures in Dialogue, the programme will bring together calligraphy, poetry, music and all mediums of art for the public to enjoy. ‘We have incorporated all mediums because the diversity is an enriching experience. There is also usually an overlap in preference for art lovers; most people who appreciate art also love music, so this event will cater to all tastes.’

The exhibition, which is one part of a series that will culminate with the opening of the Louvre Abu Dhabi, underscores the vital trait of humanity across borders. The human experience is broken down through cultural and artistic expression, as opposed to regional or nationalistic divisions. The varied artworks presented in the exhibition are unified under this common thread.

The collaboration of different organisations in the UAE and abroad is bound to yield a rich output. ‘The spirit of collaboration will be educational and engaging at the same time. Having all these different parties come together will reach a broader audience and invite city dwellers to enjoy different mediums of expression.’

Having so many outlets of expression in an informal setting will provide a platform for broadening one’s horizons, as well as learning more through workshops and talks. The programme will include events such as Indian classical dance, drama, poetry recital and music. ‘This event will allow different cultural organisations to get to know each other, as well as allowing the public to interact freely with them. A huge driving factor with this event is education; the community will be able to learn and appreciate different cultural mediums.’

The cultural organisations that will be represented will be able to showcase unique art forms, while exploring their cultural roots or origins. Launched in 2008, Artscape adopts a new theme each year and gives the community an opportunity to experience artistic outlets in an informal setting. Previous events have been successful and the line-up this year means TCA-AD are hopeful that it will enrich the Abu Dhabi art scene.
To learn more visit www.saadiyat (02 657 5800).

Find out who’s involved

Some of the organisations that will be represented at this event

Institut Francais des Emirates Arabes Unis
An agency that promotes French culture in the city.

Goethe-Institut Gulf Region
A language centre that teaches all levels. (02 672 7920).

Dubai Drums
Unites drummers in performance circles. (04 347 4790).

Embassy of India, Cultural Wing (02 449 2700).

Italian Embassy to the UAE (02 443 5622).

A unique space for artists and designers to work in the UAE.