Posted inFamily

Tasty Tips

Emi Tanaka, a Japanese inhabitant of Abu Dhabi, was inspired by last our Japanese food ideas


Makes six slices
‘You’ve only got decaying vegetables in the fridge, and you’ve no idea what to cook? Try this and clean out your fridge while you’re at it! Okonomi means ‘as you like’. It’s great for cooking with your kids and easy for them to eat, and you can throw in any leftovers you might have. My five-year-old son Kai is a massive fan. And, since it’s packed with vegetables, you’re safe in the knowledge that they’re eating healthily. My son also likes cheese, sweetcorn and tuna, but add anything – just as you like!’

300g flour
1 egg (optional)
600ml water
Salt or stock (optional)
¼ cabbage, cut into thin strips
1 medium-sized potato, grated finely, until it’s almost creamy
½ carrot, cut into thin strips or grated
5 mushrooms, sliced finely
½ can chick peas, drained
Tomato sauce and mayonnaise mixed (you can try soy sauce, too)

• Put the flour, egg, salt and water into a bowl and mix well.

• Add the vegetables and mix with the dough until thoroughly combined.

• Heat the oil in a frying pan and spread the mixed dough. The patty should be about 15cm in diameter, 1cm thick. Fry both sides until golden, making sure that the patty is cooked through in the middle.

• Slide it onto a dish and paint it with the sauces.

• Serve hot.