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Rudolph the reindeer interview

Time Out Kids rein in Rudolph for a pre-Christmas chat

You usually get carrots on Christmas Eve, is that your favourite food?
I do like carrots and they help you to see in the dark, which is important when you are flying around the world on Christmas Eve. But being a global traveller means I get to taste all kinds of food. I try to eat my five a day but on that special December 24 I get to eat thousands and thousands of carrots so it’s nice when the kids leave me something different. It’s good to have a balanced diet.

Have you ever been down the chimney?
Once. Before the global financial crisis some families really spoiled Santa with extra large mince pies and generous measures of tasty drinks. He doesn’t want to upset anyone so always scoffs the lot. Anyway, he was having a particularly merry Christmas and got himself in a tangle in Turkey on the way back to the North Pole. I had to squeeze down and drag him out. It’s the last thing you need at the end of a busy shift.

How do you keep your nose so shiny?
Well, thank you! It’s a year-round beauty ritual. This kind of shine doesn’t happen overnight, you know, you’ve got to work at it. I make sure I give is a good cleansing every night and smother it in the finest anti-wrinkle creams which I stock up on while slipping through Switzerland. My favourite is La Prairie, although Mrs Claus can’t keep her paws off it. But my secret is right here at the Pole. It’s a daily dunk in the snow that gives the nose its glow. Because I’m worth it.

What do you do for the rest of the year?
We have to train for six months leading up to Christmas and the elves have a strict exercise regime for us reindeer. They call if Hoof Camp, and seem to get a kick out of seeing us sweat. But we get our own back once it’s time to wrap the presents. Those little guys are waist deep in gift wrap and covered in paper cuts, while we gloat on the sidelines. After Christmas Eve we tend to take a long break, and spend the big day itself watching kids on TV opening their presents. It makes all the training worthwhile to see their little faces light up.

Is it true that the other reindeers used to make fun of you?
Yes. Reindeers can be cruel. They used to laugh and call me names, but all that changed once they realised the safety benefits of my shiny nose.

Are you Santa’s favourite?
No, Santa loves all of his reindeers equally. Someone has to be the leader but Santa doesn’t have favourites. That’s good for team spirit.

What are the other reindeers like to be around?
Between you and me, Dasher and Dancer have a high opinion of themselves – very high maintenance. Prancer and Vixen are a scream, always playing practical jokes, like slipping a whooppee cushion onto Santa’s sleigh seat. Comet and Cupid have a bit of a thing going on, and don’t think the rest of the reindeer know. Donner and Blitzen are my favourites though. They’re really easy-going and pull their weight.

Do you have a special reindeer friend?
I don’t like to discuss my personal life. I may be the most famous of the reindeer but you won’t see me on the cover of some magazine showing people around the stables. I like to keep myself to myself and focus on the job. I’m a professional and have a duty to set a good example to kids around the world.

Any favourite countries?
Well, Switzerland, to stock up on the beauty essentials. But, it’s nice to see people celebrating Christmas in countries around the world. As well as promoting global harmony, it also means I get to see new and exciting places. I love visiting Dubai, it’s so warm and the clear skies make it easy to lead the way. But we almost came a cropper last year when we came across the Burj Khalifa, someone should have told us you were building something so tall.

Can you give us the inside scoop on most-wanted gifts?
As the only reindeer to read, I have the privilege of reading Santa’s mail to him. Rather annoyingly, last year’s Zhu Zhu Hamsters are in back in demand this year. Those crawly critters really get on my hooves.

What do you want for Christmas this year?
I’d like to try some new food – just remember I’m a vegetarian. My rein-dar tells me a new-and-improved ‘glow’ cream has been launched for Christmas too. So, I’ll be holding out for that.