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How to cook steak well

Follow chef Darren Andow’s five-step guide to meaty heaven

Want tocook great steak yourself? Follow chef Darren Andow, executive chef at the Yas Rotana Blue Grill restaurant’s five-step guide to meaty heaven

1 The most important thing when you’re cooking a steak is that the meat has to be at room temperature. It’s no good putting an ice cold steak in a pan. Take it out of the fridge 40 minutes before you’re ready to cook it.

2 Seasoning is important, rub a little bit of salt, black pepper and oil into the meat. Never put the oil in the pan because it’ll get so hot that it’ll make your steak burn straight away.

3 Make sure your pan’s really nice and hot. It should be a heavy-based pan, so it holds the heat.

4 Let the meat seal on all sides, but don’t move it around too much. If it’s a thick piece of meat, you might need to finish it in the oven for a few minutes.

5 You have to let the meat rest. It’s very tight when it comes out of the oven or off the grill, and will carry on cooking in its own heat. Use tongs to serve it, not a fork. Using a fork will cause all the juices to come out and you end up with a dry steak.