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Six deals in UAE bars that just don’t add up

We’re all for saving cash, but some offers we could do without

1 One-hour sprints

All you can drink for 60 minutes for Dhs120… There’s a lot to like about that on first glance. However, once you think about it – are you really only going to stay in the bar for just one hour? Do you really want to rush your drinks to try and make the most of the deal in that time? A regular happy hour seems like better value all round.

2 Restrictive brunch packages

Wait… What? Did we hear you correctly? There are no hops on the basic brunch package? That’s got to be a mistake, surely?

3 Inflated two-for-ones

You can’t fool us. Your brunch’s house beverage package would never usually be pushing Dhs600, but because you’re also offering a two-for-one deal on it, the price has gone up. Would anyone pay the full price for this offering? We doubt it.

4 Happy hours that leave us frowning

When is a happy hour not a happy hour? Certainly not when the reduced drinks still cost more than Dhs35.

5 Immoveable packages

Don’t get us wrong, we love a good burger and pint deal (though anything over Dhs99 is pushing it a bit). But, what we’ve tried (and failed) to do once or twice is swap out the burger for something else cheaper on the menu. Six chicken wings and a pint goes together just as well, in our opinion, and if it’s a cheaper menu option we don’t really see the harm in it.

6 All-day happy hours

If bottles of hops are Dhs25 from opening and closing every single day that is not an all-day happy hour, that’s just the price of that drink. It’s a decent price, too. As with most of these gripes, we think most people would rather see more affordable pricing across the board.