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World’s hottest chef?

Curtis Stone is one of the world’s hottest guys and best chefs. We speak to him about food, fitness and fudge

You’ll be presenting An Evening with Curtis Stone, but what does an evening with the sexiest chef in the universe actually entail?
The Universe? I haven’t heard that one before! It would definitely involve eating at some point. I also love the outdoors, so probably eating outdoors. Picnics are great, especially if you can set up by the beach. It’s so easy to pack a picnic of your favorite food, perhaps with some of your favorite summer berries and a chocolate dipping sauce. Then the night can really get interesting!

Women seem to go fairly weak-kneed when they hear your name. Isn’t that hazardous in the kitchen?
They don’t let them in the kitchen! It’s strictly business when you’ve got meals to get out to hungry customers.

Your style is often described as ‘rustic’, which seems like a pretty vague term. How would you define what you do?
I believe in concentrating on two to three flavors in each dish; any more and you can confuse the palate. It’s too easy to overcomplicate a dish or meal when the key is to work within the seasons. And most importantly, try and keep things simple in the kitchen and cook with naturally produced ingredients, just as Mother Nature intended.

You’ve said you developed an interest in cooking through your grandmother. What was her specialty?
I’ve always been fascinated with food from a very young age, but my earliest memories are cooking fudge with my Granny. It’s most likely where I developed my sweet tooth.

A sweet tooth? How does a man who deals in calories keep such a trim figure?
I try and stay pretty fit and healthy by exercising as often as possible and eating well. I have discovered hiking since living in America, and I’m naturally a pretty active person, so I think I burn off a lot of calories with all the running around that I do.

You must have had a pretty hectic life as head chef of London’s Quo Vadis. Don’t you miss all that, now that you’re a ‘TV chef’?
I do miss being in the heat of the kitchen. There is a certain thrill about being under so much pressure with the clock constantly ticking.

What are you hoping to take from your visit to Gourmet Abu Dhabi?
This will be my first visit to Abu Dhabi, and I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve heard so much about that part of the world and can’t wait to experience the Middle Eastern influences first hand and get a real flavour for the region through the great food and culture.

It’s Valentines month, and not all of us can afford a meal for two at Emirates Palace. What’s the culinary key to a successful night in?
For Valentine’s Day it would have to be something to share. It’s tough to decide between seafood (crab especially – so sweet and delicious, and you can make a total mess eating it) and chocolate, so I am going to say both! In my opinion that’s a guaranteed successful night in.

An Evening with Curtis Stone takes place at Shangri-La Hotel, Qaryat Al Beri on February 11. Call 02 509 8555 for details.