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Abu Dhabi restaurants in hotels given guidelines to reopen

There will be strict guidelines in place

Restaurants in Abu Dhabi hotels have received guidelines for re-opening.

Most venues have been closed entirely for a number of weeks due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, however, some have been operating a delivery service.

But now, the Department of Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT) has released guidelines for restaurants in hotels to put in place before reopening.

The stipulations include having sanitisers at every entrance, thermal cameras being installed, and valet parking to be suspended. There must also be separate entry and exit points, tables and chairs must be sterilised frequently and there must be clear social distancing markers with 2m between them.

All employees must be tested for COVID-19 before restarting work, and bi-weekly tests thereafter, and have temperature checks throughout their shift.

Staff and customers must all wear gloves and masks, capacity must not exceed 30 percent, no more than four people can sit at tables (which must have 2.5m between each other) and all payment must be electronic.

DCT inspectors will check that all these measures are in place before allowing a venue to open.