Posted inGaming & Tech

Darksiders Genesis

A change of pace to an underdog franchise makes this prequel worth your time

What an absolute bonkers holiday season it’s been for the gaming world. Hideo Kojima’s very first (and agreeably controversial) ‘Strand’ title, Call of Duty taking back what an FPS should be, getting the Star Wars game we’ve always wanted… Let’s not kid ourselves, wallets are looking a tad thin. That won’t leave many dirhams for smaller titles, especially when a cult classic franchise like Darksiders decides to bring out a spin-off prequel we hadn’t heard much about. But there should be a lot of noise about this game, as Genesis brings a much-needed shift in gameplay style to the table, and it blows last year’s Darksiders 3 out of the water. Sorry, Fury.

We say there’s a change of style, but it’s more like a change in camera angle. Now taking a top-down action RPG route, Genesis may seem like it’s taken a few pointers from the loot-centric Diablo, but make no mistake, it plays just like a typical Darksiders game – tactical button-mashing fights, sprawling dungeons and puzzles galore. Add the local co-op and brilliantly playful banter between an old favourite and shiny new character, and this side entry looks to be the direction the mainline Darksiders’ series should take pointers from.

Throughout its 15-hour campaign (give or take a little), players will take control of the noble and duty-driven War, and finally the last of the four horsemen, Strife. He’s witty, sarcastic and gets on War’s nerves. But brothers will be brothers, and who doesn’t like seeing family squabble on screen? While the story is fairly generic, taking place centuries before the apocalyptic events of the series (as the name suggets­), there are a few touching moments between the two to keep gamers entertained. That, and the tried and tested combat. War plays exactly like before, while Strife mixes it up as ranged gunner. Despite a few technical hiccups that need to be ironed out, Darksiders Genesis is one to pick up.
Out now on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Switch.