Posted inGaming & Tech

Must-try games for new gamers

Calling all noob gamers: here’s your hit-list

The day has finally arrived.

You are now the proud owner of a gaming console and shall henceforth be known as noob (new player) until you have clocked up the required number of hours to pass to the next level.

But with so many options out there, it can be a little bit overwhelming for the gaming uninitiated (especially when you find out about the mega download to turn the console on).

Here are five top (accessible) picks to get you started.

The Sport Icon

Football is a very simple game. (Yes, it is.) Stick the ball in the back of the net more times than the opposition and you go home with the W. And just like reality, FIFA 21 keeps it real for new players. Gently introducing gamers to the rough and tumble of the football field, noobs can test out their new skills (and thumbs) on amateur level which is played at walking speed. Learn the basics of passing, tackling, crossing and scoring before moving through to take on the ultimate challenge – one-on-one with your mates.

The Accessible Superher0-ing
Lego Marvel: Super Heroes

Everything is awesome in the LEGO universe and this video game is a fun start to your new life as a gamer. An action-adventure piece, noobs can get to grips with the controller while solving straightforward puzzles and completing fun missions with all the characters from the movie. Great comedy with cool storylines and colourful graphics, Lego Marvel: Super Heroes will have you so ripping your pants like Hulk from all the enjoyment.

The Flaming-good fun

Need a title to ease you into the virtual world? Then the little purple dragon who has provided hours upon hours of gaming gratification for all who have controlled him will do the trick. The cute but ever-so-fierce Spyro and his trusted sidekick, dragonfly Sparx, jump, fly and swim all around the world in order to free other dragons from crystal prisons.
The easygoing escapades of this scamp (and also the graphics and soundtrack) will have noobs enchanted with not only Spyro but their new console.

The Crazy ’90s Fave
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Triliogy

Another old name that has been re-energised by Sony for the modern day gamer, Crash Bandicoot is all about mischief and mayhem as he tears up the Wumpa Islands in search of gold coins and ways to foil the evil Doctor Neo Cortex. With basic controls (albeit slightly less basic than the original), noobs will be able to handle the nutty bandicoot in no time.

The Legend
The Last of Us

Let’s crank up the difficulty with one of the finest games made this decade – The Last Of US. Players control Joel, a smuggler tasked with escorting teenager Ellie across a post-apocalyptic USA which has been overrun by zombies. Now why is this game good for noobs, you ask? Apart from the fact that the game is brilliant and will leave new gamers hooked, it has an extensive tutorial sequence (we’re talking at least an hour) that takes players through all the moves step-by-step until they have finally mastered them and can take on the world by themselves. Only fair considering everything is trying to eat you.