Posted inEducation

The importance of reading for kids

Why you need to encourage your kids to adopt a love of books

Studies show that reading for pleasure makes a big difference to children’s educational performance and suggests that children who read for enjoyment every day not only perform better in reading tests than those who don’t, but also develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures.

Head of marketing and communications at Emirates Festival of Literature, Andrea Gissdal, agrees…

As parents we are told to read to our children regularly, why is that so important?

Reading to your children has many benefits. First and foremost, it is a wonderful way to share experiences with your child and help them make sense of the world around them. If you read to your children regularly, it shows that they are important to you. That you will always make time for them. It also means that they will grow up with an appreciation for and a positive attitude towards reading and books.

When should parents start reading to their kids?

I don’t think you can start too early. When you have a baby you are told to speak to them all the time, even if they can’t answer or understand. I am not sure about you, but I found that sometimes one-sided conversations with a baby could dry up, so I would quite often read to my children when they were still infants. Most babies and toddlers enjoy sensory books, and you can speak to them about what they are seeing and feeling, which becomes a natural transition into text books where you read the words and look at the pictures together.  Children learn so much from stories, even before they are old enough to read themselves.

What difference can parents make by reading to and with their children?

Parents are the first influencers in a child’s life. By reading books aloud and talking about the stories, you create a social experience around books. The more you talk about the books you read and have fun together, the better. This creates the foundation for a happy reader. Once they are able to read with you, make sure you make them feel secure and give them all the time they need so it is a positive experience. This sets them up to be readers for life.

What are the benefits of reading for children?

Reading is fun. It can be so much fun you almost forget it is good for you. Children who read for pleasure regularly do better in school in all subjects, including maths and sciences, because it works on all your cognitive skills. It expands your vocabulary, broadens your horizons and children who read for pleasure report being happier than those who don’t. While we are talking specifically about children now, this is also true for adults. There are numerous studies showing the benefits of reading, but the most important thing to keep in mind is to make it fun. Children who read for pleasure every day perform better in tests than those who don’t, and they develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other people.

Why are stories important in a child’s education?

Stories is the most effective way to learn, whether you are teaching history or social skills. If you want a child to learn facts, tell them a story that brings those facts to life. Some of our most popular Festival authors do just that – and it is amazing to see how children respond to them and how excited they are about the books after meeting the author. It is because the book has been transformed from an object with printed letters on paper to a magical world of adventure.