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Meet Dubai children’s book author Julia Johnson

She has written more than 25 books for kids about the UAE

Dubai-based children’s book author Julia Johnson has written over 25 books focusing on stories about the region, and just recently published Where is Everyone? to add to her impressive collection.

Time Out caught up with the local writer to discuss animals, culture and what lessons kids should take away from her books

We are so excited to hear that you are launching a new book. Can you tell us what it’s about?

Where Is Everyone? follows a growing group of puzzled animals trying to find out where all the people have gone during the 2020 pandemic lockdown.

All of your books incorporate local culture, can you tell us where the inspiration came from for this book?

It was inspired by the many curious wild animals which began to explore the empty streets in cities around the world during lockdown. I wanted my story to be a local one so I focused on a group of camels and other desert creatures who travel to the city to find out where the humans have gone. The littlest camel is anxious to find her friend Ali.

What lessons is this book teaching kids?

One of my aims in writing the story was to encourage children to explore their feelings and talk about any worries which they may have experienced as a result of coronavirus. In their search for the humans the desert animals meet horses, a seagull, a parrot, a mouse and a lion, and discover that some animals are not so keen to find the humans.

The story looks at our relationship with wildlife, and the impact we’ve had on the natural world. I hope it will make readers think, and realise that each and every one of us can help effect a change.

Why do you enjoy writing about the UAE so much?

Probably because I’ve lived here for such a long time, more than 45 years, and so I feel I know the country pretty well! e came for a bit of adventure, and in the early days we were forever exploring and making discoveries. I want to share some of those discoveries in my stories. I like to think that I’m drawing back a curtain on the past and revealing its secrets to my readers.

And your books more often than not feature animals, but this one is taking that a step further and focusing on our relationship with animals and nature. Can you tell us about that?

I think that most of my stories which feature animals focus on our relationship with them and with the environment – The Leopard Boy and The Turtle Secret for instance, and Saluki Hound of the Bedouin and The Cheetah’s Tale. Animals can’t speak for themselves so I think stories are a great way of giving them a voice. I would like to think that my readers will grow up as caring individuals who respect animals and nature.

Do you think having a pet is an important part of childhood?

For me it was! My mother was a huge animal lover, and my sister and I had lots of pets while we were growing up. They give you a sense of responsibility and a respect for other living creatures. I think it can make you a kinder person. And of course you learn so much – animals are fascinating!

No doubt our pets are happy to have us home more at the moment?

I imagine they are if it means more time playing and going for walks!

How many books have you written including this one?

I think I’ve had about 25 books published now. I haven’t always been an author, but I’ve always enjoyed writing. My background is in drama, which of course is another way of story-telling.

Do you have a favourite? What about a favourite character?

Well I think the first one will always have a special place in my heart, so The Pearl Diver, which was published in 2003, is a favourite. But Hessa in The Turtle Secret is probably my favourite character. She’s strong and feisty and resourceful!

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