Posted inKidsKids Christmas

Christmas 2020: Santa Claus talks to Time Out UAE Kids

Father Christmas tells us about his his busy month ahead

Listen up kiddos, Christmas is nearly here, and you know that means that Santa Claus is watching everything you do to see whether to put you on the nice or naughty list.

We had a chat with the big man in red himself, who told us all about his plans for his busiest month of the year and has a Christmas message just for all kids in the UAE.

As we know, Santa delivers presents all over the world, but what you might not know is that he actually starts to plan his deliveries before Christmas Eve.

“Before the night of the December 24, I like to go around all of the different parts of the world just to double check that the elves got the list right,” says Santa.

“I also like to go and see for myself just how certain boys and girls are behaving, especially for mums and dads who might be getting a little stressed out at this time of the year,” explains the jolly big man in red, with a big smile visible through his big, white bushy beard.

So, where can you catch Santa around the UAE this year?

“If mums and dads would like me to put in a special visit to their home this Christmas, all they have to do is visit my website and book it in,” he explains.

“I know this year is looking a little curiouser than most, but I am happy to say I will still be doing my rounds around the city and am so looking forward to seeing as many kids in Dubai as possible,” he said.”

“Now, I will be visiting the Dubai Festival City Santa Fun Run again this year, and it is always good fun to see so many people enjoying themselves, all dressed up to look like me. Ho ho ho,” laughs Mr Claus.

“Plus, we have great fun seeing who has the best costumes and giving them a little prize.”

So he is busy, but surely the night before Christmas must be the busiest night of the year for jolly old Santa and his eight reindeer.

“Yes, of course you all know the night of December 24 is my busiest night of the year, and many boys and girls big and small look up to the skies to see if they can catch a glimpse of me as I fly by,” says Santa.

But does he get some time off after the big delivery? He says not straight away.

“After the big night on Christmas Eve, I will be relaxing over at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in DFC, enjoying their Christmas day Picnic Pantry Brunch – such nice food.”

“I am looking forward to seeing all the boys and girls there and to give out little goody bags. I will also be having pictures taken with them all, which always makes for a fantastic afternoon, especially on Christmas Day,” says Santa.

And with a twinkle in his eye and a merry wink, he dashes off into the sky shouting back over his shoulder as he goes: “to one and all a very Merry Christmas.”