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How to get a good, well-rounded education for your kids

Future proofing your child in the UAE

With its huge diversity of school curricula and outstanding educational establishments, the UAE is a haven for parents looking for a quality education for their children.

But the education system often focuses on a relatively small part of a child’s cognitive development with an emphasis on transmitting content knowledge, which is more often than not, memorised and repeated in the same form it was received.

The school curriculum is dominated by lessons in maths, science and reading coupled with tests and exams for all academic subjects.And while these subjects are fundamental, learning involves far more than merely acquiring inert knowledge in algebra or chemistry.

But far from just focusing on the academic results of a school, it’s critical for mums and dads to look at its range of extra-curricular options in order to ensure that a full, well-rounded education is on offer.

Principal at Emirates International School, Jumeirah, Pratibha Rao, agrees saying: “While academic results are very important, it is equally as important that parents look at all the other aspects of the school that contribute to a child’s holistic development, such as sports and student leadership platforms, while finding out whether the school has a focus on the arts and wellbeing is also something to look out for.”

Widening the things that children are exposed to at school will help them to grow and will shape their relationships, identity, emotional understanding and overall wellbeing, which in turn help to shape them as more well-rounded individuals and prepare them better for going out into the world after finishing their education.

Research in neuroscience, developmental and learning sciences, education, sociology, and many other fields confirms that an approach that aims to shape the whole child is not only desirable, but necessary to ensure that children learn well.

But how does a school go about shaping the whole child to make them well-rounded?

“In an IB School such as ours, the ethos is driven by the IB Learner Profile that underpins the curriculum from Early Years to graduation,” Rao explains.

“Personal attributes such as a child being inquisitive, caring, a risk-taker, principled and open-minded, are being developed throughout their time at school, which will help to prepare students to become global citizens.”

It’s imperative to develop habits, skills and mindsets that build a child’s social, emotional and academic competence as this will ensure that they have the necessary skills and qualities when they are ready to leave school.

Qualities that, according to Rao, include the student being independent, empathetic, tolerant and creative in addition to being able to think critically.

Rao adds that she would also expect the child’s school to shape the pupil to become a life-long learner.

“Throughout our curriculum all learning is linked with real world problems and how to solve them,” Rao says.

“This enables students to apply the knowledge and skills they acquire in school to help them get through their own real-life situations.”

The benefits of a well-rounded education are plentiful from enhancing academic studies, pushing students beyond their comfort zone and establishing self-esteem, to providing a wider social network, enabling them to better adapt to life changes and encouraging them to discover and pursue their passions.

It is clear to see that extracurricular activities are just as important as academic studies and that they both complement each other to provide a well-rounded education.

A holistic approach to education means that schools develop whole individuals who possess transferable life skills, as well as academic skills in order to ensure they are well prepared for the next stage of their lives.

For everything you need to know about education in the UAE click here.