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Football etiquette

The dos and don’ts of football etiquette in the UAE


Revel in the environment
Opposing fans partake in banter galore and mingle happily. Above the metronome soundtrack of beating drums and impressively tuneful ditties, gleeful cheering reverberates around the grounds. Paper confetti and drums are pretty common at UAE games but, given whistles are banned, it looks like banners and flags (less-than 1.5m) might be the best way to support your side.

Get there early
At most grounds, a local rabble-rouser is entrenched well before kickoff, whipping up a frenzy of feverish support from the swelling banks of supporters. With it being Fifa, we expect something a bit grander, though.

Read up on player names and positions
Grappling with longer names and remembering them can prove tough, but you’ll be smugly rewarded when a die-hard catches you raving over a raking cross-field pass from Khalil Ahmed. Check out our Fifa supplement to wow strangers with your obscure knowledge.


Leave late
Sounds obvious, but traffic will probably be pretty bad. If you’re getting the bus back (available two-and-a-half hours either side of the game), be prepared to queue like you’ve never queued before.

Take anything prohibited
The list of stadium no-nos includes food and drink purchased from outside, fireworks, flares, whistles and baby strollers (not that they’ve got anything against babies; there’s just no room). Neither are you allowed to smoke in the stadium – so don’t even try.

Use bad language
Swearing and ‘inappropriate’ dress are naturally frowned upon – well, we are in the Middle East.

Be afraid to take your shoes off
It’s a warm night, you’ve got hot feet, so do as the locals do and kick off your stinky Doc Martens. sual guy. As well as having a fascination with Tibet, the superstitious Spaniard also claims that when he steps on the pitch, he always does it with his right foot, simultaneously managing not to touch the lines. Just give him a nudge, eh, and let the omens do their work.