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The Ironman cometh

Abu Dhabi International Triathlon is upon us. We investigate…

The idea of possessing superhuman strength is a Hollywood staple. It is also a dream that audiences can’t seem to get enough of – witness the millions of people who saw Robert Downey Junior don the heavy metal get-up for his role in Iron Man the movie. But, while Iron Man’s rocket boots and built-in ‘repulsor rays’ remain the stuff of fiction, his supreme power, strength and dedication to the cause can be found closer to home, in the real-life ‘iron’ men and women who take part in triathlon championships all over the world.

These superhuman individuals belong to an elite league where 5am training sessions and protein-packed diets are the norm – after all, an out-of-shape competitor would be like lamb to the slaughter. With Abu Dhabi Triathlon merely a matter of days away, Time Out caught up with the bionic triathletes hoping to make it past the finishing post first.

Top contenders

Björn Andersson
Age: 31
Height: 188cm
Weight: 80kg
Hometown: Trollhättan, Sweden
What are you looking forward to most about the race? I’m looking forward to competing in a triathlon with a more reasonable run distance after the swim/bike for once.
First thing you’ll do when you arrive… Hopefully have a nice meal and explore the city a bit.
What can’t you leave home without? My bike, as I mostly leave home for racing or training.
Essential training diet includes… Pretty much anything.
If you weren’t an athlete, what would you be? I’d most likely still be involved in sports in some way.
Major achievements… First place Wildflower 70.3 triathlon, UK, and Timberman 70.3.

Julie Dibens
Age: 35
Height: 178cm
Weight: 62kg
Hometown: Boulder, Colorado
What are you looking forward to most about the race? It’s an exciting new race format, great prize money and the perfect opportunity to travel to the UAE – I’ve never been before.
First thing you’ll do when you arrive… Go to bed after a long time travelling.
What can’t you leave home without? My two front teeth.
Essential training diet includes… A bagel with half peanut butter and half cream cheese on each side.
If you weren’t an athlete, what would you be? Exercise physiologist.
Major achievements… Three times Xterra world champion (’07, ’08, ’09), 70.3 World Champion ’09, two times Olympic Qualifier and two times Commonwealth Games Qualifier.

Meet Team Abu Dhabi…

Faris Al-Sultan
Age: 32
Height: 181cm
Weight: 72kg
Hometown: Munich, Germany
What are you looking forward to most about the race? Just being able to take part after having trained in Abu Dhabi for 10 years.
First thing you’ll do when you arrive… Ride my bike.
What can’t you leave home without? Oakley sunglasses.
Essential training diet includes… Coca Cola.
If you weren’t an athlete, what would you be? An army officer.
Major achievements… Hawaii champion ’05 and third place ’04 and ’06.

Swen Sundberg
Age: 36
Height: 178cm
Weight: 74kg
Hometown: Herzogenaurach, Germany
What are you looking forward to most about the race? Cycling round the Formula One circuit.
First thing you’ll do when you arrive… Change from my warm outfit into shorts!
What can’t you leave home without? Kissing my wife.
Essential training diet includes… Everything – I eat all the time!
If you weren’t an athlete what would you be? A soccer pro.
Major achievements… Founding the Abu Dhabi Triathlon Team and completing the Roth Challenge Ironman in 8.07.

Andi Böcherer
Age: 26
Height: 182cm
Weight: 72kg
Hometown: Freiburg, Germany
What are you looking forward to most about the race? Competing against the best.
First thing you’ll do when you arrive… Enjoy the sun!
What can’t you leave home without? My girlfriend.
Essential training diet includes… Dried apricots.
If you weren’t an athlete what would you be? A mathematician.
Major achievements… Bachelor degree in mathematics, seventh in Ironman European Championships and fourth in Ironman 70.3 Wiesbadan.

Ina Reinders
Age: 30
Height: 182cm
Weight: 63kg
Hometown: Munich, Germany
What are you looking forward to most about the race? I used to train a lot in Abu Dhabi in winter so it’s almost a home race for me.
First thing you’ll do when you arrive… Recover from the travelling and have dinner at one of the city’s most exotic restaurants.
What can’t you leave home without? My new time trial bike from Storck.
Essential training diet includes… Everything. I don’t have a specific diet.
If you weren’t an athlete what would you be? A mathematician.
Major achievements… Third Ironman Wisconsin ’07, two times German Champion middle distance, Junior European Champion Olympic distance 1996.

Jan van Berkel (aka ‘the Berkelizer’)
Age: 23
Height: 179cm
Weight: 67kg
Hometown: Zurich, Switzerland
What are you looking forward to most about the race? It’s a nice distance where I can push on the bike and still do a very fast run.
First thing you’ll do when you arrive… Check my bike to make sure it wasn’t damaged on the flight.
What can’t you leave home without? Seriously nothing! I carry my memories and dreams in my heart everywhere I go – that’s what really matters.
Essential training diet includes… Red Bull because when training is over, my day isn’t over! I need a fresh brain to study after my workouts (I am a law student at the University of Zurich and finish my degree in June this year).
If you weren’t an athlete what would you be? A better student.
Major achievements… European vice Champion Team Triathlon, European Champion Winter Triathlon.

Pete Jacobs
Age: 28
Height: 179cm
Weight: 70kg
Hometown: Sydney, Australia
What are you looking forward to most about the race? A 200km ride is a great test for how training is going and what needs to be done to get off the bike strong and win Hawaii.
First thing you’ll do when you arrive… Check out the desert and all the sand – it will be great to see a new landscape.
What can’t you leave home without? Snacks/food for the trip.
Essential training diet includes… Brown rice, sweet chilli sauce, olive oil, tuna.
If you weren’t an athlete what would you be? Landscape gardener.
Major achievements… Eighth at Hawaii Ironman, first Australian Long Course Championships, second Quelle Challenge Roth.

Rachel Joyce
Age: 31
Height: 166cm
Weight: 58kg
Hometown: London, UK
What are you looking forward to most about the race? It’s a brand-new race format, which I think will make for an incredibly exciting day. Having seen some of the top sporting events that Abu Dhabi hosted in 2009 it is great for triathlon that this event has been added to its repertoire.
First thing you’ll do when you arrive… Unpack, put my bike together and then explore.
What can’t you leave home without? Aside from my kit, I usually take English tea bags with me!
Essential training diet includes… I can’t think of one specific thing: lot’s of fruit and veggies and chocolate milk for recovery.
If you weren’t an athlete what would you be? I’d probably still be a lawyer.
Major achievements… Sixth place at Hawaii Ironman World Championships.

March 13, 6am, starting at Emirates Palace – members of the public can watch for free Competitions and activities will be taking place on the corniche throughout the day until 9pm. Visit