Posted inKids FitnessSports

Manchester United in Abu Dhabi

Time Out visits the Manchester United Soccer School in Abu Dhabi

In ye olde days of yore, kiddie football meant trotting out to the park with a few mates, a ball, and some jumpers for goalposts. Oh, how times have changed. And changed, we reckon, for the better. Yes, football is still fun, and it still keeps you fit, but if your kids sign up for soccer coaching with Manchester United Soccer Schools, they’ll learn a whole new set of skills above and beyond how to kick a ball.

‘At the heart of Manchester United Soccer Schools is a six-point code of conduct, based on attitude, behaviour, communication, discipline, enthusiasm and fair play,’ explains MUSS Head Coach Andy Dixon, in the capital for the recent opening of the MUSS kids’ soccer programmes. Hmmm. It sounds rather serious, especially given the weekly age-specific sessions are aimed at kids as young as seven. But Dixon argues that it’s all about providing a first-class football programme and a fun and positive learning experience. ‘When children come onto the field they meet new people, make new friends, and become involved in a team environment, and our code of conduct helps guide that process,’ he says.

Based on principles and methods employed by the famous Manchester United Academy, the sessions are both fun and challenging and focus on a variety of different technical areas, such as dribbling, short passing, turning and finishing. All players can take part in a series of skills challenges, with selected participants being given the chance to attend the World Skills Final event at Old Trafford in 2011.

Coaches also help develop young players in fields such as tactical understanding, and mental, physical and social growth. ‘Mentally, we focus on how important it is to have a positive attitude in life in order to achieve positive results in whatever you do,’ explains Dixon.

Not content with teaching wannabe Wayne Rooneys or aspiring Ryan Giggses about the physical, tactical and mental skills, MUSS also hammers home diet and nutrition advice with the aim of fostering an appreciation for good health.

‘The kids are usually surprised when we talk about nutrition and fitness, but it’s a really important part of the game,’ says Dixon. ‘The professional players learn about diet and training early on in their careers and we want to pass that information on. Our goal is for the students to apply the health advice to their everyday lives so that they can have an overall healthy lifestyle and excel at sport.’

Get involved

The next MUSS programme kicks off on January 8 at the Dome@Rawdhat complex, Aiport Road. Open to all children between the ages of seven and 16, the weekly sessions run for 75 minutes and cost Dhs1,650 per 10-week term, including soccer kit, bag, water bottle and ball.
For more information and online registration, visit