Posted inKids FitnessSports

Abu Dhabi touch rugby tournament

Get involved in the tackle-free sport

Not many people really want to end up with cauliflower ears, badge of honour though they may be in tougher circles. The same goes for concussions, dislocated shoulders and all the other ruby injuries that are the inevitable result of 16 extremely heavy men piling on top of each other. So if you fancy giving rugby a go, but prefer to keep your body intact, consider trying out the sport’s far gentler alternative – touch rugby.

Touch started in Australia in the early 1960s as a social or ‘park’ game, and, because of the fast pace, simplicity and safety, as well as the fact that teams are usually mixed, it really took off in schools and as a social sport. Although the game is derived from conventional rugby, players don’t tackle with the same brute force but instead use their hands to touch opponents on the body, clothing, or the ball.

It’s quickly growing in popularity here in Abu Dhabi too. One of the capital’s longest running sports clubs, the Abu Dhabi Harlequins, is holding a 10-week Spring Touch Tournament at Zayed Sports City.

Club secretary Ben Crompton says that, because there are no hard knocks allowed, the mixed tournament is open to everyone, meaning it’s a great way for families to get involved and play together. ‘You just use a one-hand touch, so there’s really very little contact – no shoulder barging or anything like that,’ he says, ‘No physicality.’

Teams are made up of 12 people, but just six are on the pitch at any one time – one or more has to be female. ‘If you get tired you can just swap places with one of your teammates’ says Ben, who has been playing for three months. ‘You have to be pretty fit to join in, but we do have a wide range of ages – our youngest player is 12 years old, and the older players are well into their fifties. The purpose of the tournament is to get more people interested in rugby, and give them a chance to socialise outdoors. The atmosphere is very congenial and casual. We run the tournament in a league format, so Finals Day is, of course, a little more competitive! But it’s still a lot of fun, and is really a very sociable sport.’

Most players are not completely new to touch rugby, but if you are a beginner and want to get involved, you can contact Ben to arrange a training practice, run through the rules and get a feel for the game. He’ll also help you join a team if you want to enter the tournament, but aren’t part of a ready-made crew.

So take advantage of the Abu Dhabi sunshine (before it gets too hot to go outdoors) and sign up – it’s fun, friendly, and a great way to keep fit.

Visit the Abu Dhabi Harlequins Rugby Club website or email Entry is open to men and women of all ages, and the deadline for signing up for the tournament is April 4. Tournament starts April 5.

Touch Rugby rules

• The aim of touch rugby is to score as many touchdowns as possible, while preventing the opposition from scoring any touchdowns at all

• A touchdown is similar to a try in rugby, and each is worth one point if scored by a male player, or two if scored by a female

• There are no other means of scoring and the more technical aspects of traditional rugby such as scrums, rucks, mauls, line-outs and goal-kicking are not part of touch rugby

• Substitutions can be made any number of times throughout the match. However, the game remains continuous and does not stop to allow substitutions

• The ball can be passed or knocked (but not kicked) sideways or backwards between teammates