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Capoeira in Abu Dhabi

Capoeira festival will showcase Brazilian martial arts in the UAE

When most people think of martial arts their first point of reference is probably still that iconic image of the blood-spattered, sinewy Bruce Lee in his yellow and black jumpsuit from his classic movie Game of Death. So complex non-contact moves coupled with rhythm and music aren’t always what many would immediately associate with any discipline of martial arts but these are the cornerstones of capoeira and Abu Dhabi is about to find out all about it very soon.

Originating from African slaves in Brazil during the 15th century, capoeira was developed as a method of self-defence against their colonial oppressors who would often inflict inhumane and cruel punishment on their workers. As the slaves weren’t allowed to equip themselves with weapons of any kind they disguised the practice of their self-defence techniques as a form of dancing – hence all the elaborate movements that act as both a form of attack and defence, increasing the chances of an escape actually being successful in the process.

The fifth annual Capoeira Batizdo and Troca De Cordia will soon be taking place in the city and should be a fantastic display of skill and agility. Those who wish to take part will form part of the roda (a circle formed by capoeiristas) where everybody will be invited to sing the typical songs associated with the sport and clap their hands in time with the music. Two capoeiristas then enter the circle and perform as best they can in time with the music. The game continues until one player gives up or when someone else enters the circle to challenge one of the current players or take on someone else. Got it?

To give you a better idea of what to expect from the festival we spoke to the organiser and the city’s only capoeira master (or mestre to give him his proper title) Alex Filadelfo to find out more.

Tell us more about yourself and how you got involved in capoeira.
I’m actually from Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and I first started training in capoeira when I was 12 years old. I’ve been doing it for over 30 years now and teaching it for about 20. When I was younger I was often in trouble because I’d be fighting and so on, so I started training so that I would stop fighting and learn about martial arts and self-defence. It gave me more confidence.

So how did you end up here in Abu Dhabi?
I moved to New York in 1998,
where I spent a few years teaching capoeira, then I was approached by the New York University in Abu Dhabi to come here and teach capoeira in their PE department.
I’m still the only official capoeira teacher in the whole city.

What can people expect when they get to the capoeira festival? What sort of activities will there be taking place?
There’ll be capoeira workshops where we’ll teach people about defence and attack movements. But there’ll also be other workshops where we can teach people about the more acrobatic movements like backflips, handstands, hand spins and cartwheels. So people can actually learn how to do it. Then at the end we get together in a circle with our instruments and play music for people to do their capoeira movements.

So anyone, regardless of their lack of rhythm, can get involved?
Yes, it’s completely open to everybody from four years up. Everybody learns the basic moves first before we try to teach them the more acrobatic movements. You need more training to do the harder stuff.

Is capoeira a good way of keeping fit?
It’s an amazing sport and one of the best ways to lose weight and stay fit. When you combine all of the movements with the music as well it’s actually a very good way of relieving stress. The movements that we do stretch a lot of your body, so it’s good for getting rid of whatever tension you may be feeling. It also burns a lot of fat because it’s so strenuous.

What are you hoping to achieve with the capoeira festival this time around?
I want people to learn more about capoeira and I think it’s also good for the community. I’m the only teacher in the city so it’s important to show people what capoeira is all about and how important it can be for the community that we all live in. Basically, you can’t do capoeira by yourself, you need others to do it with you. We want to make people more knowledgeable about it and get more people involved.
For more information visit Contact Alex at

Events and workshops

Schedule of April’s capoeira events:

April 18 6.30pm (all ages): Lycee Louis Massignon French School Abu Dhabi
April 19 10am-12pm (all ages): New York University Abu Dhabi
April 19 1pm-3pm (kids): New York University Abu Dhabi
April 20 10am-12pm (all ages): Lycee Louis Massignon French School Abu Dhabi
April 20 1pm-3pm (teens and adults): Lycee Louis Massignon French School Abu Dhabi