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8 fitness myths debunked

Why you should always lunch befoe you crunch and more fitness tips

There are a tonne of misconceptions when it comes to getting fit…TOAD spoke to personal trainer Jordan Weavill from Get Moving Fitness and Spa Center to put these common myths to bed.

Losing weight is the same thing as losing fat
People often get mixed up between weight and fat. When you’re getting fit, you want to lose fat, but not necessarily weight. Two people weighing the same amount can have very different body types and levels of fitness. Depending on your size, you might not need to lose any kilograms. Jordan says, ‘The best way to measure overall physical fitness is by comparing measurements. If you are losing inches, then you are improving.’

You can get fit just by working out
Nutrition is 75 percent of a fitness plan. According to Jordan, ‘You will simply not see results if you don’t change your diet in conjunction with starting a fitness plan.’

Doing thousands of crunches each day will give you six-pack abs
This is a common myth and it’s been set straight over and over but people refuse to believe it. It is impossible to spot reduce. Jordan says, ‘If you’re dead-set on spot reducing just get liposuction because it’s not going to happen from endless crunches every day.’

It’s best to work out on an empty stomach
Many think that when they come to workout their stomachs should be empty. They won’t eat anything before the gym, and after ten minutes they need to stop because they faint, have no energy, or simply can’t continue. ‘I tell my clients they can have fruit up to five minutes before they start their workout,’ explains Jordan. Green apples are the best. The simple carbohydrates are digested faster, quickly delivering energy to the bloodstream.

Eat nothing directly after a workout
Quite the contrary. It’s important to eat a health snack or small meal after working out, and especially after strength training. The body has just experienced a series of small tears in its muscles and nutrients will help it repair the damage and grow stronger.

You need to work out every day
The more the better when it comes to working out, right? Not so! While at the beginning of a fitness plan, you will want to be hitting the gym at least four times a week, the body needs at least some rest to recover from training. Different people will need different amounts of rest depending on their programme and their desired results. If you are lifting heavy weights to gain muscle mass, you will need at least two days per week of rest, because it is during the rest time that the muscles will get bigger. Also, Jordan says ‘It is pointless to spend more than an hour in the gym. One hour, he says, is more than enough and the drawbacks to over training, a weakened immune system and exhaustion to name just two, aren’t worth the extra time.

Running is the best form of exercise
Believe it or not, many people believe that running is the only way to get fit fast. Many people love to run and prefer it to other activities. On the other hand, plenty of very fit people, Jordan included, simply don’t find enjoyment in running. In fact, while running every day is a quick way to burn fat and lose weight, it’s not the most effective method for overall fitness and it is certainly not the only way to get in shape. Jordan recommends circuit training as the best way to get trim and toned. This consists of several exercises – usually between five and ten – each targeting a different area such as pushups for strength, jumping jacks for cardio and crunches for core, performed for approximately one minute each, with ten to 20 second breaks in between each exercise. The trainee performs the circuit three times for a workout that lasts about thirty minutes. It builds strength, burns fat and is more fun than simple running.

To get a good overall workout, you need to go to a gym
Many people excuse their sedentary lifestyles by claiming they don’t have the money to spend on a gym. The myth that you can’t get fit without spending an arm and a leg is just plain false. Circuit training, explained above, can be done at home, using body weight alone. To find a home plan, talk to a personal trainer or simply research circuit training online.
You can find Jordan and other personal trainers at Get Moving Fitness and Spa Center, 31st Street between Airport Road and Muroor Road (02 642 5669).