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Scrums up

Abu Dhabi Rugby Union Football Club has been in existence for more than 35 years and is continuing to experience vast developments and heightened interest every season. As we come to the climax of the current season, spirits are high after a 38-7 victory over Doha in the Arabian Gulf Cup semi-final. Time Out speaks to club chairman Richard Harris

How many teams do you have?
We have two men’s, one veteran men’s, one women’s, and age group teams from under-fives to under-19s.

The past few months have been huge for rugby as a worldwide sport. Have you seen an increase in participants this season?
Yes, especially at junior level. We have grown from 350 players last season to more than 500 players this season, as well as from one men’s team to two at senior level.

What is the competition like from other teams?
Strong, and getting stronger as the training and structures surrounding the teams continue to improve.

Have you formed any rivalries?
Yes, with all the Gulf teams but especially those from Dubai, such as the Dragons, Hurricanes and Exiles.

What is the competition for places like at ADRUFC?
We have players still competing for first team places with our men in the Gulf Cup final [to be played on the April 11] and also in the final four play-offs for the Gulf League.

Your vets’ team won at the Dubai Sevens at the back end of last year. Has this helped put you on the map?
Yes, it was a great win for the club and great that I was part of the team. It was especially satisfying as we have reached the final over the two previous years, losing to the Hurricanes each time. So to beat them in the final was very sweet.

You’ve been on tour to Cairo and Kuala Lumpur. How important are the overseas tours?
Our juniors have done very well and benefited on and off the field with the experience of visiting new countries being a big plus. We are looking at taking a big squad to Hong Kong next year to continue the trend.

How do you encourage development from grass-roots level?
We have an excellent squad of volunteer coaches, the majority of who have completed the IRB Level Two coaching course, meaning that the quality of coaching has improved and therefore the skill level of the players has improved.

Has the club seen players start as minis and move up to seniors?
At the Sevens we had two very good players playing in the men’s team who have come through our junior ranks. There is, however, a problem in the region with the majority of players heading out of the country to study at university. This has meant a shortage of 19 to 24 year olds in the region.

How popular is women’s rugby?
We have won two of the regional competitions this season but are always in need of new players.

Are there opportunities for Abu Dhabi residents to get involved and become a coach at ADRUFC?
We believe the more the merrier. All the coaches are volunteers and we help them by getting them trained. Our men’s coach has just completed the ERU Level Three course.

Is there any scope for you moving from Al Ghazal Golf Club to a purpose-built stadium?
We have been working on a three-pitch 1,000-seat stadium, club house and gym, which we have been told have been approved by HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nayhan.

That sounds positive. Do you get any support from the government?
We’re busy registering officially as a club. There isn’t anything yet but we expect this to change when our own facility gets announced.

What have you got planned for the next few months?
We’re hoping to arrange an end-of-season tour for the senior men to Hungary and we have our Gala Awards Ceremony to be held at the Intercontinental Hotel on May 30.

What are your hopes for the 2008/2009 season?
To continue to grow all sections of the club, as well as to take delivery of our own, purpose-built facility. Also, we hope to finalise a partnering agreement with London Harlequins, sharing skills and knowledge, having guest coaches and hosting their winter training sessions.

All matches are free and draw around a 300-strong crowd for the big games. The team plays in the Arabian Gulf Cup final on April 11. If you’re interested in signing up to play next season or just want to keep up to date with the club’s progress, log on to