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Plans to nationalise private schools in the UAE

The UAE’s education chief has hinted that there are plans to nationalise private schools in the country.

Minister of Education Humaid Mohammed Al Qatami confirmed the move while answering questions at the second ordinary session of Federal National Council’s fourth season on Tuesday.

He asserted the ministry’s intention to restructure and regulate the ministry’s division in charge of private education, news agency WAM reported.

Qatami said that there was a vision to nationalise private schools, adding that he would raise the issue during a meeting to be held with the heads of private schools next month. No further details were given.

There are currently 474 private schools in the UAE, where nearly half a million students seek education.

These schools follow different curricula but are under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, WAM reported.

Qatami also answered questions about the ministry’s policy regarding the teaching of English in primary schools.