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Dubai powerboat deaths

Tragedy as UAE pilot dies in high-speed power boat crash

UAE pilot Mohammad Majed Mohammad Salem Al Mehairi and his French partner Jean-Marc Sanchez were killed in a high speed crash on Friday during the World Powerboat Championships.

The race, called the Dubai Grand Prix, was called off by organisers following the accident, officials of the UIM and WPPA said.

Their boat, Victory 1, lost control, flipped and landed upside down killing the pilots, Associated Press news agency reported. They were airlifted to hospital but pronounced dead on arrival.

The crash happened during the early stages of the race at Dubai International Marine Club.

Al Mehairi, 34, was the European Class One champion this year.

A statement by race organiers Class 1 said:  “The Victory Team, UIM, WPPA, DIMC and IOTA pass on their deepest condolences to the families of both pilots.

“As a mark of respect to both pilots and their families the event organisers have cancelled tomorrow’s (Saturday’srace and all event activities.”