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Jazz hand

Duke Ellington Big Band to host workshops in Abu Dhabi this week…

Fancy yourself as a bit of a musician? Or maybe you just want to learn something new? Then a few hours with some creative types could be just the ticket.

The late Jazz legend Duke Ellington’s tribute band, fronted by the big man’s granddaughter Mercedes, hit the capital on May 23 and 25 to share their skills.

The band will host two workshops in the UAE for students at the UAE University in Al Ain and the American Community School in Abu Dhabi. These will be followed by two concerts on the same days for the students and invited guests, which will offer a chance to get the full taste of an authentic big band performance.

The workshops and performances at the UAE University are part of the Seminars in Mastering the Arts (SMART) program, an educational initiative supported by ADMAF which uses the arts as a tool and catalyst for learning. This initiative is designed to enhance the academic and cultural standing of the institution.

The late Duke Ellington has been credited with taking big band jazz music from the dance halls and elevating it to an art form. His career, which spanned more than 50 years, won him a posthumous honour from the Pulitzer Prize board in 1999, which shows how his music continues to resonate with people decades after his death.