Posted inThe Knowledge

Mum’s the word

Although the city can seem a bit intimidating when you first arrive here and there’s a temptation to just sit around your apartment swimming pool all day, we guarantee you’ll soon get bored

I have recently moved to Abu Dhabi with my husband. I’m going to be a full-time mum for a while, but I’m worried I’ll be bored while my husband is at the office all day. Where can I get to meet other women in my position and do you have any tips how to fill my time?

Although the city can seem a bit intimidating when you first arrive here and there’s a temptation to just sit around your apartment swimming pool all day, we guarantee you’ll soon get bored. Luckily for you, there are plenty of social groups full of ladies in the same boat as you.

One such organisation is the Abu Dhabi Ladies Club. It meets for a coffee morning every Wednesday at 10am at the Jazz Bar in the Hilton Abu Dhabi Hotel. It’s a multinational group, who are incredibly welcoming and supportive of newcomers and, as it only costs Dhs40 for the session, it’s highly affordable. But activities don’t just stop at getting a weekly caffeine fix and a bit of a chat, as the club arranges regular events such as cooking demonstrations, walking groups and cinema trips. Its online book club is also a great way to expand your literary interest, finally you can read all those books you never had time for in the past. Log onto for more information on these activities.

If you’re up for something a bit more energetic to accompany your cappuccino, every Tuesday at 8.30am a group of ladies meet for an ice skating and coffee morning at Zayed Sports City Ice Rink (02 444 8548). We went along recently and had a great time sliding round the ice with the ladies. And if, like us, you’re no Torville and Dean, there’s an absolute beginners’ group where you’ll be taught all you need to know.

Also, one of the most popular meeting places for expat families to hang out is The Club in Mina Port (02 673 1111). Although there’s a bit of a lengthy waiting list to join, the place full of child-friendly restaurants, a gym, pool and other facilities to keep even the most hyperactive littl’un amused. They also have a number of support groups, such as Abu Dhabi Mums (, where you’ll meet like-minded parents.

Also, keep an eye on, where you’ll find all the info on classes, events, nights out and more to make your time in Abu Dhabi as enjoyable as possible. And if that’s not blowing our own trumpet, we don’t know what is.