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Abu Dhabi expands push for tourism

Global advertising campaign aims to attract two million hotel guests

Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority (ADTA) is set to unveil a 10-month campaign across the world’s media to showcase the city as a high-end tourist destination. The promotion is part of Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority’s goal to attract two million hotel guests to the city by 2011, rising to 2.3 million in 2012.

‘This TV, print, radio and online campaign will put Abu Dhabi in front of high-end potential visitors and demonstrate the emirate’s credentials as a luxury destination with market-leading product offerings,’ said Claire Micheletti, Marketing Division Director of ADTA. ‘The emirate’s projected room supply is estimated to reach some 35,000 rooms by 2015 and, with 16,000 of these currently under construction, it is important to increase demand in advance of these exciting properties coming online.’

A prospective audience of 1.8 billion people across the world will be reached by the campaign, which will be featured on satellite channels such as BBC, CNN, Sky News, National Geographic and Discovery Channel, as well as newspapers such The Times, The Telegraph Magazine and The Guardian in the UK; Le Figaro, Le Monde and Nouvel Observateur in France; and Bild and Der Spiegel in Germany.