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15 fun things to do at home

It’s time to get creative with your social life. Holly Sands shows us how

It’s Ramadan, which means the clubs are closed, our DJs have skipped off on summer holidays, and while most of the bars still open in the evening, they won’t do so until later than usual. But the Holy Month is also a time for people to get together and visit those they love, whether for a five-star Iftar or a more intimate soirée at home. But just because the music is quieter, doesn’t mean the fun has to stop – it’s time to re-engage your creative side and show off your hosting skills with our pick of this summer’s home-fun trends.

1 Do ‘dinema’
This is short for ‘dinner and cinema’, though during Ramadan, you can set it all up yourself at home. So call your favourite restaurant for takeaway, put some popcorn in the microwave, and borrow or invest in a projector for a real movie experience.
Projectors cost from Dhs1,999 at Jumbo Electronics, various locations (800 58626).

2 Have an at-home brunch
We’ve tried it and found it’s better than a brunch out: it’s cheaper and the conversation tends to flow more easily in a home environment. Assemble 10 friends at yours for noon, and have each bring something for a mixed drink and a homemade dish. One word of advice – co-ordinate dishes beforehand, otherwise you might have a table of cupcakes and little else.

3 Have a Console tournament
Change things up with the new Mario Sports Mix for Wii (Dhs183) and compete in basketball, volleyball, dodgeball or hockey as different Mario characters. If you’re an Xbox Kinect owner, try PowerUp Heroes (Dhs183), in which you can use your entire body to launch strikes.
Both available from

4 Get swishing
Remember that great outfit you spent a fortune on at Vivienne Westwood last year yet have only worn once? Get your friends to come round with an outfit, bag or shoes in similarly mint condition and have a swapping party. The term swishing derives from the dictionary definition of ‘to rustle, as silk’, which, in 2000, PR guru Lucy Shea decided meant ‘to rustle from (or swap with) friends’.

5 Put on a pudding party
Ditch the diet for a day (that’s if you’re not fasting!) and have everyone bring round a dessert. Everyone can bring their favourite, or, if you don’t want to run the risk of having six carrot cakes, give each person a theme – whether it’s fruit-based, chocolate or a collection of treats from around the world.

6 Throw a paint party
Instead of spending a fortune on pictures, head over to Carrefour and pick up a few cheap canvases and boxes of paint. Invite creative pals round and spend an evening painting your own, one-off pieces – it’s also a great stress-reliever.

7 Set up a film-of-the-book club
Watch films of the books you’ve all read and spend hours afterwards debating whether they’re good adaptations. At the moment, we’re watching The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Adjustment Bureau and The Time Traveller’s Wife.

8 Have a professional facial at home
Forget impossible-to-chisel-off supermarket-bought masks, get the professionals round and enjoy a real facial without having to get out of your pyjamas (because who wants to when it’s 50°C outside?). Invite friends round in their PJs and make a day of it.
Tips ’n’ Toes (02 681 8386).

9 Throw a pet grooming party
You’ll need your own dog for this one – or at least a friend’s: invite pooch-lovers round for a canine social so you and your pup can make friends while getting him or her groomed.
From Dhs200 per dog. Tail-Waggin’ (050 366 6622).

10 Host a Jaipur night
As well as traditional cards, try addictive new card game Jaipur. The game sees two players go head-to-head to rule the stock market in Rajasthan, trading camels, shares and more. Get more people round and you can have yourself a league.
Dhs77 from

11 Put on a Zumba party
It’s the latest exercise craze to hit Abu Dhabi, so gather some friends and head over to the living room of whoever among you has the biggest apartment for an at-home session. Pick up a Zumba DVD, or download some upbeat tracks from YouTube. Now get ready for an hour of Latin fever!

12 Throw a murder mystery night
Liven up dinner with a murder and have your five guests spend the next two hours flinging accusations at one another. Use Lou Harry’s The Murder Mystery Party Kit, and assign each role before the party – costumes are optional, but are certainly more fun.
Dhs73 from

13 Get a chef round for a cookery class
Get an education as well as a feed. The gang at Dubai Party Queen have chefs on hand for at-home lessons in Abu Dhabi but if you’re lazy you can just have them cook for you. Prices start from Dhs2,000 for a three-course meal/lesson, with Dhs500 fee for Abu Dhabi.

14 Experiment with A crochet club
Many Kiwi skiers and snowboarders spend their evenings crocheting everything from scarves to iPod holders when it’s too cold to hit the après ski. We may be at the opposite end of the thermometer, but don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.
See ‘How to crochet: lesson 1’ on YouTube.

15 Throw a kid’s party without the kids
Whatever your excuse – early Halloween, a friend’s birthday – throw a fancy dress party (either an all-out fright-fest or simply have everyone wear comedy noses) and lay on classic party games such as piñata and pinning the tail on whatever your adult sense of humour fancies.

5 tips for the host with the most

1 Don’t make the menu too complicated
The last thing you should be doing is spending 90 per cent of your time in the kitchen and the other 10 per cent scowling at your guests.

2 Don’t drink too much
Nobody likes an inebriated host. Not only will your guests feel uncomfortable, but it will probably be the last time they come round.

3 Avoid getting too competitive
Be careful when having a games night: sore losers are so fourth grade, and gloating will only make you look petty.

4 Do make your guests feel at home
They should feel able to pour themselves another drink without having to ask permission, and should definitely be able to visit the bathroom without an escort.

5 Ask people to RSVP
Unexpected guests can cause problems and leave you feeling unprepared. It’s a common courtesy, so don’t feel awkward about asking people to confirm their attendance in advance.