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Brits earning twice as much as Indians

New survey shows disparity in GCC salaries

British expats working in GCC states earn more than double the salary of their Indian expat peers, according to the results of a survey organised by

Employees from the UK who took part in the Arabian Business Salary Survey 2009 during January reported that they earned an average of nearly $14,500 a month including all bonuses, commission and allowances. This compared to the Indian average of just over $6,000.

But it was Americans who said they earned the most of the expat communities in the region, taking home an average salary of more than $19,000 a month.

Australians came second, with an average salary of nearly $17,000, with South Africans third with a monthly pay packet of $16,152.

Brits came in fourth ($14,478), with Canadians completing the top five positions with their average salary of $13,726.

Workers from the Philippines were the worst paid, according to Arabian Business data, earning an average of $3,082 a month, almost half that of Syrians who came second from bottom in the salary rankings. Indians, Pakistanis and Egyptians completed the bottom five.

The survey conducted in January attracted more than 3,000 respondents and a large majority of those were expats taking advantage of the tax-free living in the Gulf region.

Get the full report of the Salary Survey here.