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Nashwa special episode

A Mother’s Day special with Arab chat show diva Nashwa will air tonight on Dubai TV…

Dubai TV’s Nashwa Al Ruwaini will tonight pay tribute to mothers across the Arab world in a one-off Mother’s Day special on her chat show.

The special show has been created to honour Arab mothers who embody compassion, kindness and generosity and who struggle to raise their children.

In a break from tradition, Nashwa and the show’s cameras move out of the studio to meet a very unique guest at one of hospital in Cairo. Mrs. Shifaa is one of the mothers in Gaza who faced personal tragedy when two of her daughters were wounded during a rocket attack as they were on their way to hospital. She continues to tell of the story of her struggle with nine children under the terrible circumstances of the siege.

Back in the studio, Nashwa meets Jameela Khalifa Al Zaabi who was bestowed the title Mother Ambulance by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum after she saved almost seventy injured citizens after one of the largest fires in Dubai.

Another amazing mother, Mariam Mohammed Sadeeq from Bahrain talks about how she took on the responsibility herself to raise her eight children, one of whom has a rare disease, and was successful in helping them all lead successful lives.

The last of Nashwa’s guests, Dr. Samia Al Aamoudi from Saudi Arabia, was honoured by the White House because of her leading role in raising awareness against breast cancer. As a cancer victim, she managed to sow the seeds of awareness in her young children to be responsible and self-reliant.