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ID card reprieve for Emiratis

Emiratis who have missed the ID card deadline today will not be fined, if they have a genuine excuse

Emiratis who have failed to meet today’s registration deadline for ID cards, for a genuine reason, will not be fined, according to Darwish Ahmad Al Zarouni, Director General of Emirates Identity Authority (EIDA).

“If somebody has a genuine reason like being abroad or on treatment etc, we will accept it; but if anybody delayed due to laziness, no excuse,” He did not elaborate on whether people have to produce any proof for genuine reasons.

EIDA had earlier announced that Emiratis who failed to register before the deadline would be fined Dhs1,000.

The original deadline of December 31 was extended to March 31 this year by a cabinet decision as about 190,000 Emiratis had not registered by December 28. 96 to 98 per cent of Emiratis have already registered.