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New accident fines

Watch your driving in Abu Dhabi. There’s now a fine of Dhs500 if you have a minor accident on the capital’s roads

Nobody wants to damage their car, but now there’s even more reason to be careful if you’re driving in Abu Dhabi.

From this week, minor accidents will now cost motorists in Abu Dhabi Dhs500 as the company outsourced by the police to handle petty accidents begins to operate.

Assigning Saaed, the outsourced company, to share the burgeoning burden of minor accidents was a necessary step in order to keep abreast with the demands of the growing city, according to officials.

Official statistics show that in 2007 about 95,000 minor accidents were reported in the emirate, which prompted the authorities to outsource processing of accidents, which do not involved injuries. The aim is to help police force focus on graver accidents and perform efficiently.

Saaed charges Dh500 from motorists who are found to be at fault. It creates an accident reconstruction report that defines the legal liability by using an electronic system. Drivers are also given an “accident ID” as reference, using which details could be accessed on

Authorities hope that the service charge will act as a deterrent and force people to drive more carefully while benefiting from quicker services.