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Cosmetic surgery booming in Dubai

More Dubai dwellers than ever are going under the knife – but not all doctors in the UAE are properly qualified

Cosmetic surgery is booming in Dubai, especially quick procedures that allow patients to go home within the day, but UAE doctors are not properly regulated, said experts at the opening of yesterday’s dermatology conference at Dubai Convention Centre.

“In this time and age people are becoming more competitive and you have to look good when seeking a job,” said Hassan Galadari, a cosmetic surgeon, taking part in the conference.

“An employer looks at the way you look,” he said, noting that cosmetic surgery has a huge market in this region. “These procedures are now available and affordable to most people,” he added.

But he cautioned that cosmetic surgery is not regulated in the UAE. “There are general practitioners and doctors from various specialties who are not properly trained to handle these procedures,” he said.

Dr Ebrahim Galadari, chairman of the conference, said the field of dermatology and cosmetics has seen an unprecedented explosion, “from the good, the bad and the worthless.”

“It has become our responsibilities as dermatologists to take care of patients first in the most humane way,” he said. Galadari said some “big guns” from the US and other countries are taking part in this conference on “what is hot and what is not in the field dermatology.”

More than 5,000 dermatologists and physicians are taking part in the conference which runs until April 28. An exhibition is running alongside the conference and workshops showcase some of the anti-ageing procedures. It is being held in cooperation with the International Academy of Medication Specialisation.