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Bahrain alcohol ban a step closer

Hotels in Bahrain could be facing an alcohol ban after MPs vote unanimously to stop public drinking in an effort to curb ‘vice’

A blanket ban on public sale of alcohol in Bahrain’s hotels, restaurants and clubs could be on the cards after Members of Parliament voted unanimously for it today.

The MPs voted for a total ban, but agreed to allow consumption in private homes, with suppliers providing home delivery.

Hotel guests would be allowed alcohol only in their rooms under the proposal, backed unanimously at parliament’s weekly session, reported a Bahrain-based newspaper.

The proposal must now go to the Cabinet.

The nationwide ban was proposed by parliament legislative and legal affairs committee vice-chairman Shaikh Jassem Al Saeedi, who said alcohol was fuelling the vice trade and turning the country into a brothel.

“It is the main reason behind unclean tourism and the consequences the country is facing from increased crime,” he said.