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Abu Dhabi job vacancies rise

Employment opportunities in Abu Dhabi defy regional downturn

Employment opportunities in Abu Dhabi continue to rise compared to last year, despite a decline in jobs across the GCC region following the downturn, a study has revealed.

A reasearch conducted by showed that job vacancies in Qatar have registered a four percent increase from nine percent for the first half of last year to 13 percent of the same period this year, according to The Peninsula daily. Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia are also sharing the same positive development, it added, while Oman had only one percent increase from two percent in 2008 to three percent this year.

The study by the Middle East online recruitment firm revealed that Dubai had been hardest hit from 43 percent last year sharply going down this year to just 30 percent, The Peninsula reported. Kuwait and Bahrain have also seen slight declines in job opportunities., found out that in the entire region investment, administration and marketing professionals have been hardest hit by the downturn. Yet, infrastructure-related disciplines and audit professionals are in demand, it observed.

The Peninsula reported that according to the study, demand for infrastructure-related works soared by 142 percent reflecting massive spending by GCC governments this year on road, railway and airport projects. There is also a demand for audit professionals with an increase of 25 percent this year.

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