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The Back Up Plan DVD review

In this try-hard New York rom-com, J-Lo plays Zoe, a pet shop owner from the block, pushing 40, clock ticking

US (PG15). Jennifer Lopez

In this try-hard New York rom-com, J-Lo plays Zoe, a pet shop owner from the block, pushing 40, clock ticking. With not the whiff of a man in sight, she activates plan B: artificial insemination. Then, what do you know, she meets Mr Right (Alex O’Loughlin) on her way home from the clinic. This screams ‘J-Lo comeback vehicle’ – as you can tell from the casting of Mr Right. Alex who? Apparently he’s an Australian actor who has been on TV. It’s a sparkless match. He’s meant to be a farmer, which involves a lot of standing around looking hot at a market.

All the usual rom-com accessories come as standard: sassy BF, calamitous first date, cutesy pet dog. Mostly, it’s money for old rope: pregnancy gags and a circa-1976 stereotype of a single-mothers’ support group. If this is a comeback, let’s hope J-Lo has something else up her sleeve. We’d love to see her ditching the nice-nicey routine and sinking her teeth into a juicy super-b****.