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Hall Pass on DVD

Tragic comedy about two husbands let off the leash

(TBA) US. Owen Wilson, Jason Sudeikis, Christina Applegate

A largely sexless romp, Hall Pass has such a winning sense of middle-aged exhaustion to it that you might want to add a star or two, especially if you’re familiar with the banalities of matrimonial bliss. Old pals Rick (Owen) and Fred (Sudeikis) have cute homemakers by their sides and wandering eyes. Fed up with their committed but distracted men, the ladies let them off the leash for a whole week: a ‘hall pass’ permitting them consequence-free infidelity. Let the games begin? The sophisticated joke at the heart of co-screenwriter Pete Jones’s original story is that these khaki-clad suburbanites love their routines more than they do the promise of other women.