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Movie review: Low-budget psychological thriller 1br

A clever tale with a good twist

In this psychological thriller we follow slightly troubled Sara who thinks she’s landed on her feet by being accepted into a tight-knit community apartment building. However, all is not what it seems behind the gates. She tries to fit in with her over-friendly neighbours but can’t get along with all of them, which is simply not on. In this building you conform or, well, she finds out.

It’s an intriguing premise, and one that perhaps isn’t fully realised, but nonetheless, this is a clever and timely movie about small-minded communities being outraged by the thought that not everyone will agree with their point of view.

Nicole Brydon Bloom’s Sara seems to have moved to LA simply to get away from her dad, who she’s had an almighty falling out with following her mother’s death from cancer. You get the feeling, however, that she’s not totally capable of being independent just yet.

The move to the apartment block seems to be the step in the right direction she needs. There are no pets allowed, but she sneaks her cat in. In time she will come to wish she’d been honest from the start, as anonymous letters are pushed under her door about her breaking the community rules. When things start to go bump in the night, you aren’t sure whether she’s paranoid or they’re really happening. Sara also seems unsure.

At this point we probably shouldn’t say too much more, but her acceptance into the apartment building is going to be a little tougher than she thinks. It doesn’t go down the potentially worrying route the movie seems to be edging towards, and is all the better for it.

The performances and styling could all do with being a bit more decisive, but the clever story and twists and turns make up for any lack of visual punch. An offbeat movie that’s worth seeing.

Director: David Marmour
Starring: Nicole Brydon Bloom, Giles Mathey, Taylor Nichols
Released: In cinemas Dec 3