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Director Steve McQueen on 12 Years a Slave

On the day his third movie received nine Oscar nominations, we picked up the phone

The 1840s-set real-life historical drama 12 Years a Slave stars Chiwetel Ejiofor as Solomon Northup, an African-American man kidnapped and sold into slavery in the South. It’s 44-year-old British director Steve McQueen’s third feature film after Hunger and Shame, and it’s his first feature to receive any Oscar nominations.

McQueen’s film is currently poised to win big at the Academy Awards on March 2, and so a few hours after hearing of the nominations we tracked him down in Los Angeles, where he was staying following the Golden Globe awards earlier this week.

Congratulations on your film’s nine Oscar nominations. You must be over the moon.
I’m so happy. Really humbled. It’s such an honour. And I’m so happy for the cast and their nominations.

Where were you when you found out?
In bed sleeping, in Los Angeles. But I thought: this might never happen again, so I got up and put the TV on. Then the phone started ringing.

Do the Oscars matter?
Yes they matter! Because people see the film. We didn’t have a lot of money for advertising, so it means people will look at the nominations and go and see the movie. I can’t tell you how helpful it is.

Why did you want to make a film about slavery?
I just wanted to tell a story about slavery, and it was just one of those subject matters where I thought to myself: well, how do I approach this? I liked the idea of it starting with someone who is a free man, a man who is much like everyone watching the movie in the cinema – just a regular family guy, who is then dragged into slavery through a kidnapping.

You thanked your wife Bianca at the Golden Globes ceremony when the film won the prize for best drama. Why?
She’s the one who found the book. I had this idea that I wanted to make a movie about slavery, and Bianca said: ‘Why don’t you look into true accounts?’ And she’s the one who unearthed this book 12 Years a Slave. It’s funny, I think if you want something so bad, you become a magnet. When I saw this story, it was identical to my original idea. Now everyone knows the name Solomon Northup. His book is on the bestseller lists. It’s sold more copies in the past six months than it did in 150 years. I’m very proud of that.

You’re in a head-to-head race with American Hustle. Have you seen it?
Yes, it’s a very good movie. David O Russell is a great filmmaker.

Have you got a gut feeling who’ll win?
I think we’ve all won right now. And not just the films nominated. It’s been a great year for black cinema, with The Butler and Fruitvale Station. Everyone has won.