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15 romantic movies to watch on Valentine’s Day in the UAE

Love is in the air, or actually on the screen, with these flicks

There are a lot of romantic movies – seriously, there are loads of them, just switch on Netflix  –  from the classics to more modern take on this little thing called love.

While it would be easy to compile a list of the cheesiest, most cliché-ridden films ever to grace the silver screen, we’ve diverted to a quirkier list, and thrown in the odd curveball for good measure.

Some of your favourites might have dropped off the list, but feel the love and try these sweet flicks this Valentines’ Day.

Here are 15 romantic films to check out this Valentine’s Day in the UAE. Pass the popcorn. (Sharing not obligatory.).

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500 Days of Summer

Okay, one of the opening lines in this film is “this is not a love story”, but it is so let’s just agree to disagree on that one. It’s quirky, it’s unconventional and it’s a lot of fun as Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) falls in love with the new girl at work (Zooey Deschanel) and their relationship starts it’s a rollercoaster ride that sees each of them find happiness elsewhere. Maybe it’s not a love story, a conventional one anyway.


Oh la la, this French flick really has it all. A quirky protagonist, a unique and now often imitated style of storytelling, and at the beating heart of it a romantic love story. In the film, which in itself is a love story to Paris, we follow the titular character who works in a café in Montmartre and dedicates herself to making other people happy. On the way she meets a quirky man who collects discarded photo booth pictures. And the rest, as they say, is histoire.

A Star Is Born (2018)

This one is a remake of a remake that stars one of the world’s biggest popstars and has a soundtrack that was impossible to escape even if you’ve never seen the movie. In the film a broken rock star (Bradley Cooper) discovers a talented singer Allie (Lady Gaga) and after pushing her into pursuing a music career she quickly becomes the biggest star in the world and sparks fly. Be warned, this one is a heartbreaker so have the tissues on standby.

Always Be My Maybe

Comedian Ali Wong takes a leading role in this rom-com and it’s a lot of fun. The story follows a famed chef and restaurateur who becomes reconnected with a bumbling musician from her past, a former best friend who failed to find his way in life. Do they get together, should they get together? We won’t spoil it, but watching the film just for Keanu Reeves’ show-stealing cameo is highly recommended. It is magnificent.


“We’ll always have Paris”… It could be one of the most iconic films ever, with some of the most iconic scenes and lines ever committed to film. Set in the Moroccan city of Casablanca (surprise surprise) an American expat and café owner agrees to help his ex-wife and her husband. But in love nothing goes according to plan, sparks fly and flames can be rekindled. It’s a classic, it’s iconic and it’s well worth a watch if you’ve never seen it.

Eternal Sunshine of the Eternal Mind

It’s certainly not a conventional love film and at times you’ll be left scratching your head, but it’s a real cracker. Jim Carey stars as Joel who, so madly in love with ex-girlfriend Clementine (Kate Winslet), decides to have his mind erased so he doesn’t remember her or the heartbreak caused. Later, meeting on a train the pair fall in love, unaware they’ve been in love before. What could go wrong, right? The timeline jumps a bit in this film so maybe put your phone down when watching this one.

Forrest Gump

Is it an out-and-out love film? Maybe not, but behind all the twists and turns, cameos and sidetracks at its heart (ahem) Forrest Gump is about undying love. As Forrest goes through his eventful and turbulent life he never gives up on Jenny, the childhood love of his life, and eventually he gets his girl but not all that he bargained for in life. The film is full of amazing scenes, laughs, tears and memorable scenes and performances. Run, Forrest, towards the remote.


Ghost has been a massive hit for decades now despite it having one of the most unique romantic film plots ever devised. To put it in blunt terms, a dead husband finds a way to reach out to his wife and give her some closure. We told you, it’s pretty weird. That being said Whoopee Goldberg won an Oscar for her supporting role so there’s plenty to enjoy about this one.


What? Another curveball? Yes, yes it is. At its heart this Spike Jonze film is about a man who falls in love with a girl. It just so happens that girl is an AI with no physical form. Set in an unclear time in the future, we follow Theodore, a man who writes personal letters for a living as he falls in love with an operating system called Samantha. As you can imagine, it doesn’t all go to plan and this unconventional love story packs quite a punch towards the end. Give it a shot.

Lost in Translation

Deadpan comic genius Bill Murray is on top form in this favourite set in Tokyo. The sprawling city is the perfect backdrop for a story that sees an old actor who feels out of his comfort zone strike up an unlikely friendship. Is it romantic? We’re not sure but it’s genuine and heartfelt, making the story of the pair appealing and authentic.

P.S I Love You

This novel-to-film adaptation from Cecilia Ahern is everything you want from a rom-com. Laughs, tears and a whole load of cheesy lines and plot points. What’s the story? A husband dies and before he checks out leaves a bunch of letters to his wife encouraging her to go on an adventure, live her life, enjoy it and find someone new, even though she’s not sure she’s ready. It sounds cheesy, and it is, but in the most charming of ways.

Sleepless In Seattle

Tom Hanks is one of the greatest actors of all time and in this early ’90s romantic film he turns out one of his most memorable performances. Failing to come to terms with the death of his wife, Sam (Hanks) is forced to call a national radio show with the hopes of finding a companion, which he does in the form of Annie (Meg Ryan) after thousands of women fall in love with the struggling romantic after hearing his radio broadcast.

The Notebook

It’s modern (sort of) and already iconic, probably the most-watched romantic film in recent years and one we’re sure many men have been subjected to in their romantic endeavours and compared to over the years (blame Ryan Gosling). We don’t want to give much away but what we will say is that it’s a tear-jerker, there’s a notebook involved and a young Gosling and Rachel McAdams back in the 1940s. We would tell you more but we’re already welling up.

True Romance

Quentin Tarantino showed what he was made of with this film written by the famed director. It’s a twisted love story, action film and drama all rolled into one with incredible dialogue (standard), lots of violence (standard) and an all-star cast including Gary Oldman, Brad Pitt, Christian Slater, Dennis Hopper, Patricia Arquette, Christopher Walken and Val Kilmer. At the heart of it though it’s about blinding love between two people who won’t let anything stand in their way. We love it.

Valentine’s Day

With a name like Valentine’s Day it would be weird if this wasn’t on this list. This modern rom-com boasts an ensemble cast including the likes of Jessica Alba, Kathy Bates, Jessica Biel, Bradley Cooper, Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Garner, Topher Grace, Anne Hathaway and more. The characters, who are all connected, collectively go through a range of emotions, challenges and struggles on the international day of love, that’s right, you guessed it, Valentine’s Day.

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