Posted inMusic

Listen to Noel’s debut solo single

What do you think to the first release from the older of the Gallagher brothers?

So Noel Gallagher has called his first solo single ‘The Death of You and Me’. Whether it was intended or not, it is difficult not to spot a reference to the breakdown of his relationship, or what there was of it, with brother Liam.

When asked about the song’s title, Noel said it was based on the saying ‘If we don’t leave this place, it’ll be the death of you and me’, and that it was ‘a bit more romantic’ than simply just a nod to Liam. Yeah, right …

More importantly, though, is it any good? Well, it’s a bit Oasis-y. Not a bad thing, I hear you cry. We at Time Out were as devoted to the loud-mouthed Mancunians as could be during their pomp. But are we all not a little over that by now? Have a listen and see what you think …