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Treat ’em Meen

Meen are the definitive Lebanese anti-band, find out more

Founded in 2006 by Fouad and Toni Yammine, Meen is one of Lebanon’s most interesting rock groups, and have been going strong ever since their early days as a university band. They’re famous for their silly and sometimes sarcastic lyrics, and for singing in colloquial Lebanese rather than traditional Arabic. True to this dialect, French and English words are commonly mixed in, creating a vibrant and fun sound – oddly suited to the country it hails from.

While often nonsensical and funny, Meen aren’t afraid to show some teeth, and their lyrics are at times critical of the political climate in Lebanon. To truly catch all the witty nuances in Meen’s music you would probably have to be Lebanese, but even if Marhaba is as good as your Arabic gets, their music is catchy enough to keep you entertained. This is not your typical oud and chimes Arabic music, Meen plays Western style rock music with only a hint of Oriental every so often. Their lyrical style and stage presence has greatly pushed their status on their native soil, and they are quickly becoming the voice of the young (and irreverent) generation.

Meen played their first concent at Saint Joseph’s University in Beirut and, since then, they have played on Martyr’s Square for World Peace Day, wrote and performed the official song for the 2007 Beirut Marathon, and they have just released their latest album; Aarouset Bkeseen (Bride of Bkeseen). They plan to tour the Middle East soon, and have started invading the UAE with online tracks. We find out what all the fuss is about.

Without sounding too philosophical, who are Meen?
We are superheroes. And when we’re not busy saving the world, we work as rock musicians. That’s why Toni keeps his glasses on when he’s on stage. Fouad sometimes has to be reminded not to put his underwear over his trousers before a performance. Meen hold the noble mission of promoting Lebanese rock music as their main objective as a band, followed by other worthy goals such as getting rich and impressing lots of ladies.

Is there a fantastic story behind the name?
Meen is the name of an ancient Lebanese goddess who was worshiped for having killer legs. Legend has it that she lived in Bkeseen, and died under mysterious circumstances. Folklore suggests that she committed suicide by leaping off a ninth-floor balcony, but historians suspect she may have choked on her shisha.

So, beyond insane folklore, where do you get your inspiration?
We don’t get inspired; we just steal ideas from other people.

Moving on. Angry lyrics about vegetables; what’s with the tomatoes?
Haven’t you been at countless performances where you felt you could only express your opinion by pelting the artist with tomatoes?

We tend to enjoy your concerts though. But yours aren’t a normal experience; are you intentionally atypical, or is it who you are?
Well, obviously. Do you want us to turn up in our superhero costumes? Of course it’s intentional, fool.

Who are your favourite artists?
We used to be into boring stuff such as the Beatles, Iron Maiden and Pink Floyd, but Jad Choueiri’s first single was a real revelation and a life-changing experience.

So tell us about this new album of yours.
We’ve just released a new album 3arousit Bkessen. Eleven new tracks that people are adoring. It hit the number one in the sales charts in Lebanon after just one week!
Meen’s new album is out now and for sale at for Dhs37. For news of upcoming concerts, keep an eye on their website or Facebook group ‘Meen’.