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Oktoberfest in Abu Dhabi

Bavarian jollity returns to Abu Dhabi. Find out where the party is at

Ah Oktoberfest – a time of togetherness. A time of celebration. And, most importantly, a time of sturdy Bavarian wenches clutching fistfuls of ice-cold brews. We’re not entirely sure why Abu Dhabi goes so nuts for this annual shindig (which is thought to have originated as an agricultural show in the German city of Munich in the 1800s), but whatever the reason, we’re not about to complain. Here are the venues you should be checking out when the fest kicks off next week.

Le Méridien: Given that the hotel’s central garden tends to get raucous even without an occasion to celebrate, Le Méridien could be the site of this year’s fest’s hairiest scenes. The whole outdoor area will be clad in blue and white bunting come October 26, with Bavarian band Alpenklang dropping in to up the oompah factor and a pair of German chefs preparing a spread of pretzels, sauerkraut, traditional sausages and plenty more. Have we missed anything? Ah yes – the brewskis. Six different German varieties are promised on tap – try a litre stein of each at your peril.
Tickets cost Dhs125 for adults, Dhs60 for kids and include access to the buffet. From 7pm, October 26, 27 and 28. Le Méridien, Tourist Club Area (02 644 6666)

Brauhaus: As you’d imagine, the city’s only German restaurant is getting in on the Oktoberfest act big time. Music (and overly snug shorts) come from the ever popular Tschirgant Trio, while you can expect the a la carte menu of classic German grub to be some of the best in the city. Traditional games are also on the cards, with rounds of nagelschlagen likely to draw an intrigued crowd. Not familiar? It basically involves smashing a nail into a tree stump with a big hammer, which may sound simple enough, but just you wait until you’ve got your hops on.
Entry is free, with food served on an a la carte basis. October 19-28. Beach Rotana, Tourist Club Area (02 697 9000)

Stills: Representing Yas Island’s contribution to the fest, this smart pub at the Crowne Plaza will be setting out to prove the city’s floating annexe knows how to party just as hard as the mainland. German band Barfuss will be providing the accordion, trumpets and silly hats, while long wooden benches ought to provide plenty of scope for glass clinking and back slapping. There’s food and drink in the offing too, of course, with a German chef on hand to keep the buffet table topped up with the various meaty, bready and cabbagey delicacies of
the motherland.
Tickets cost Dhs130 per person, including access to the buffet. From 6pm, October 26, 27 and 28. Crowne Plaza, Yas Island (02 656 3000)

Hiltonia: This two-day knees up within the Hilton’s lush beach-side gardens has built itself a reputation as The Big One. Those blue and white chequered tables are surely the longest in the city, heaving with displays of hot, salty pretzels and chilled steins, while the buffet is enormous, too, sporting all the usual salads, sausages and cold cuts, as well as hearty apple strudels and rich German cheesecakes. But the real reason to drop in is the band – the Bavaria Gaudi Sextett who, as well as belting out classic tunes, like to get the crowd involved in an only slightly humiliating hat-swapping drinking game.
Tickets cost Dhs125 per person, including access to the buffet. From 7pm, October 13 and 14. Hiltonia Beach Gardens, Al Khubeirah (02 681 1900)

German 101

Kindly freshen my stein, barkeep.
‘Kannste bitte meinen Bierkrug nochmal auffüllen.’

Tell me, where can I get a pair of those fetching trousers?
‘Entschuldigen Sie bitte, wo kann ich denn ein Paar Lederhosen kaufen?’

Who fancies another sausage? This round’s on me.
‘Wer mag noch ein Würstchen? Diese Runde geht auf mich’

I know this song! Let’s dance.
‘Ich kenne dieses Lied! Lass uns tanzen.’

I think I’d better lie down, this drink has made me rather dizzy.
‘Ich glaube ich muss mich hinlegen, dieses Getränk hat mich etwas rauschig gemacht.’