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Mica Paris in Abu Dhabi

Mica Paris is heading to the Chequered Flag Ball

UK singer Mica Paris heads to Abu Dhabi to perform at the glam Chequered Flag Ball. Noted for the range, power, and sheer soulfulness of her voice, Mica Paris will open Grand prix weekend with a bang. Angela Beitz caught up with her and found out that her main aim is to keep the crowd happy and entertained, but she’ll also be sitting track side for the rest of the weekend.

What are you most looking forward in Abu Dhabi?
To have a lot of fun really and to entertain, I mean that’s what it’s all about – performing. We want the crowd to feel good and have a great time listening to the music. What’s good about Abu Dhabi, and I guess the Middle East in general, is that there is a real appreciation for real music because you don’t really get many Western artists out here. I go to various parts of the Middle East every year performing different gigs and I really love it. It’s just brilliant and the reception from the crowd is always phenomenal.

The Chequered Flag Ball is a great event where celebrities mix with members of the public. What are you looking forward to most about the night?
Having a party really and bringing my music to it, after that dancing and having a good old laugh. Looking forward to seeing a lot of people I haven’t seen since Monaco. [laughs] I was only there in May and I have done Formula Ones for a long time now and it’s a blast, it’s a party you know – just party, party. And the interesting thing is that you get to catch up with people from London that you don’t see in London. It’s a great catch up, yeah.

Are you a Formula One fan? Sticking around for the races?
Yeah always love it, have a great time every time and you know what, it’s a great time to have a bit of decadence for a couple of days and rub shoulders with the crazy people that have way more money than they should, and then you go back to London and get back to work. So yeah I will be hanging around for the weekend.

Any surprises in store for the Abu Dhabi crowd?
Well not really, I’m not going to do any back flips or anything like that if that’s what you mean. [laughs] You know, I just want to bring great live music – that’s what we do and I want everyone to have a really great time and that’s what music is all about – losing yourself.

Tell us about the album that you’re currently recording?
They just re-released my very first album from 20 years ago, and I have also just finished a new album, my seventh album now, with completely new songs.

Is there a standout track on the album?
That’s really a hard one because they are all amazing songs. I have to say that I don’t quite understand this album, I finished it two weeks ago and it only took five months to record. I have never made an album this fast; we were just on a roll because the writer/producer on this album is just amazing. It’s that simple, he’s just really good. It’s really strong lyrical content with powerful song titles. It usually takes me 18 months to make an album so I am actually in shock to be honest, I’m like, how did this happen?

How did you get into the music business?
I was discovered when I was 15 by a guy who owned a newspaper in the UK and he paid for my demos and managed me – lovely guy and I am still friends with him. He put the demo together for me and sent it to all the record companies and I got signed when I was 17, and then my album came out and went platinum straight away and that was the beginning of my career really; and it’s been going really well ever since. I have been very fortunate and I’ve gone into other avenues like TV, radio and I’m the author of a book. Predominantly though I am a singer and to be back doing music is just a joy.

Who is your biggest musical influence?
Gospel really is the first thing that influenced me, I grew up going to church from the time I was a baby. The first time I sang in church was when I was 10 and everyone went nuts and said I had the most amazing voice – I liked the attention and I thought wow, everyone is being so nice to me, I want to keep doing this, it is fun that’s where it all started.You’ve collaborated with some amazing artists, any favourites?
Prince was great, he was amazing and he wrote a fantastic song for my second album called If You Love me Tonight – great song. Also Bobby Womack, Natalie Cole, Dionne Warwick – so many people, I have been so fortunate and am so honoured to work artists who like what I do. It’s really nice to be respected by your peers.
Mica Paris is set to play at the Checkered Flag Ball on Nov 11.